The Sunshine Blogger Award Tag

The Sunshine Blogger Award Tag

Time for me to catch up on another tag. This one, I've actually been tagged in. What a shocker, I know. I've done this tag before, but I'm happy to do it again as it's a fun tag.

The Rules

• Thank the blogger who nominated you and provide a link back to their blog so others can find them. (Thanks, Mem! Go follow her because she's awesome.)

• List the rules and display an award logo on your blog post.

• Answer the 11 questions the blogger asked you.

• Nominate 11 new blogs to receive the award and notify them by commenting on any of their posts. (I'm not sure I know 11 bloggers, so we'll see on this.)

• Ask the nominees 11 new questions.

The Questions

1. What is the most recent book you finished?

The Walled City by Ryan Graudin. It was pretty good, although her duology, Wolf by Wolf and Blood for Blood were better.

2. If you could pick any planet in our solar system to visit (besides Earth of course XP), what would it be?

I'm not a big space person, so probably none of them. However, if I had to chose, I think I'd go to Venus. Perelandra has kind of given me a fascination for it.

3. What is your favorite mythical creature?

Gotta go with dragons here. I want my own to ride and love and sleep by my fireplace.

4. Would you rather own the Batmobile or the Invisible Jet?

Both. Batmobile as a first ride and the Invisible Jet as a backup. Although it looks kind of weird just a person flying through the air without any supports.

5. Pick a favorite literary quote.

6. Favorite type of tree?

*whispers* I don't know many trees. How about cherry blossoms? They're really pretty.

7. What is a book that you have heard tons about but haven’t read yet?

The Cruel Prince by Holly Black. I plan to read it soon, though!

8. Yoda or Gandalf.

Why must you make me chose? I love them both so much. Gandalf, I guess, because he always comes through in a pinch.

9. What is a favorite instrumental song of yours?

10. What is an incredibly weird superpower that you would love to have (i.e. the ability to stop people from talking, the power to create instant cupcakes, the ability to talk to frogs)?

The ability to turn anything to chocolate (I read that in a book and I've always wanted to do that).

11. Would you like to be able to balance grapes on your nose for an extended amount of time? (I’m curious, guys.)

Not really. Unless I decided to going a circus, in which case it might be useful.


And anyone else who would like to do this!

Your Questions:

1. If you could pick any character from a musical, who would you be?
2. What's your least favorite color?
3. Pick one drink to drink for the rest of eternity.
4. Would you rather be a vampire or a zombie?
5. What song are you currently playing on repeat?
6. Favorite inspirational quote.
7. Which Marvel movie could you watch on repeat?
8. Which month of the year do you like the best?
9. Cats or goldfish?
10. If you were a gemstone, which would you be?
11. Current favorite YouTuber

Have you done this tag? Would you pick Yoda or Gandalf? Tell me in the comments.


  1. Great answers! I would take the batmobile too.
    Thanks for tagging me!
    I'll try to do it. ;)


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