Blogging Updates!

Blogging Updates!

Long time no see, y'all. If you missed me saying it, I decided to take a blogging break for most of August, and honestly, I'm so glad I did with everything that happened. (If you want to know more, keep an eye out for my August recap.)

Anyway, part of the reason I decided to take a break is because blogging has been a bit difficult for me lately. I still love writing posts, but it was taking up so much time and mental energy, and I felt like I wasn't writing posts that I really loved.

One of my goals for this blog this year was to produce quality content. I mean, not all of my posts have to be masterpieces, because I love writing fun and silly posts too. But I also want to share posts that are good and well written and uplifting and such.

So I sat down and did some thinking about what I wanted to do with this blog. I knew I didn't want to stop blogging, but I also needed to make some changes and make it easier for myself.

My new plan is to post every Monday and every other Thursday. I also plan on focusing my social media efforts on Instagram, as it's the one I enjoy the most. Facebook and Twitter aren't really working well for this blog, and that's okay.

If you're anything like me, you probably don't keep up with other's blogging schedules, but I thought I'd share that to let you know. I'm also working on seeing if I can find another post distributer, because I don't totally love the one I'm currently using. That being said, I have added my blog on Bloglovin', so you can follow me there if you want.

Follow my blog with Bloglovin

Other than my posting schedule, not much is changing. I have some new ideas for cool posts (or at least I hope they're cool). My next order of business is working on growing my newsletter subscriber list. (You can join that in the sidebar, if you're interested.)

I will be back next Tuesday with my August wrap-up, since my birthday is on Monday. I hope you have a great week.


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