Character Breakdown: Evie from The Mummy
•Spitfire. Evie has a lot of emotions, and she's not afraid to let them show. (So nice in our era of stoic females.) Those emotions might get her in trouble sometimes, but you have to admire her spunk.
•Learned. She's quite the scholar in an era when that probably wasn't as common for women. She shows herself highly capable throughout the film, using what she's learned to save them in various situations or figure out puzzles.
•Enthusiastic. Evie tends to throw herself whole-heartedly into things. She has no problems with packing up and going to Egypt in search of ancient ruins that may or may not exist. It's an endearing trait.
•Smart. Besides being book smart, she can be quite real-world smart. She's a woman, but she knows what she's doing. We see several cases of her using her head rather than panic.
•Headstrong. Her high emotions can make her quite stubborn at times. She doesn't want to listen to Rick or her brother, or anyone. She disregards danger in favor of learning or discovery.
•Disbelieving. Evie also, at the beginning of the movie, doesn't believe in anything supernatural. Mummies or curses or anything. It leads to problems later in the story when she makes bad choices.
•Reads/speaks ancient Egyptian. How many people do you know that can read it, much less speak it? I believe in the movie she says she knows a very specific and rare dialect, that of course comes in handy later.
•Archeology. Unlike some other explorer/archeologist I could mention *cough*Indiana Jones*cough*, Evie knows proper protocols and stills (mostly) to them. I like that you get to see some of that care and attention in the movie.
What Makes Her Interesting
•Her relationship with Rick. Evie and Rick make this movie worth it. I put up with all the bugs and mummies and such just to watch their interactions. They have great chemistry together and I 100% ship them.
•How well she's written. Even by herself, Evie is a great character. Jungle Cruise tried to copy her, but failed so bad, and it only makes me appreciate her more. She's smart and learned, but doesn't use that to look down on others. Also, may I point out she does this whole thing wearing skirts? Powerhouse lady, right here.
Have you seen The Mummy? Who is your favorite character? Tell me in the comments.
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