Driving with Anxiety: 10 Tips to Help You Cope

I'm blessed that it's not bad enough to prevent me from driving entirely. But it certainly has made my commuting anywhere difficult. Today I thought I'd share some little tips and tricks I've learned over the years to help manage driving anxiety and somewhat overcome your fears.

1. Work Up To It
If driving makes you anxious, start small. Drive your neighborhood or other places you're familiar with. Then try the highway, busy shopping centers, and the interstate. Take your time getting comfortable.
But don't forget to push yourself a little. That's the only way you're going to broaden your limits. You have to make yourself uncomfortable before you can be comfortable.
2. Drink Water
Keep a full cup of cold water in the car with you that you can easily access. Drinking water helps calm you and you can use it to dab on your wrists if you feel panicky. A metal water bottle is great because it keeps your water icy cold. Look for one with a lid that's easy to take off with one hand.

3. Chew Gum/Candy
I keep my purse stocked with mint gum and either Life Savers or Jolly Ranchers. All of them are things I can pop in my mouth and focus on when I'm feeling anxious. Chewing on something also helps trick your brain into thinking you're safe.
4. Use the AC
Blowing cold air on your face and wrists helps combat anxiety. I do this a lot when driving, to the point where other people get cold. But it helps me a lot. If it's cold outside, I'll even crack open a window to get that extra cold breeze going.
5. Have a Stuffed Animal
I keep several small stuffed animals in my car and not just for the cute factor. Holding and squishing them when I'm feeling anxious works great to distract my mind from the fear. Focus on the soft fur or trace their features to help calm down.
6. Drive in the Right Lane
This might sound random, but driving in the right lane when I can helps me feel much more comfortable. For me, it's because the shoulder is on the right side. Knowing that I can pull over whenever I might need gives me confidence. This might not work for everyone, but give it a try.
7. Practice 4-7-8 Breathing
This is a breathing technique where you breath in for a count of four, hold it for seven, and breath out for eight. It helps slow your heart rate and reduce panic. I find it works great while driving too. If there's a point where I experience an anxiety spike, I start doing this until I feel calmer.

8. Play Calming Music
Or any music that doesn't stress you out. For example, I can't listen to music with any screaming when I'm anxious and driving because it makes it worse. I have a few go-to albums to listen to when I need calm music to vibe to. Focus on the words and trying to remember the next line to take your mind off the anxiety.
9. Take Someone With You
I'm very blessed to have younger siblings that like going places with me. Having a passenger helps me feel more grounded and less anxious. I guess because I'm no longer alone with my thoughts. If you have someone you can take places sometimes, try it.
10. Don't Give Up
The worst thing you can do for driving anxiety is give up driving. It might feel easier than keep fighting the panic and overwhelm that comes with driving, but it'll hurt you in the long run. Something I repeat to myself when my anxiety is really bad is "I won't let the anxiety win". I refuse to let it stop me from doing the things I want to do.
I hope at least one of these tips is a help to you, if you too have driving anxiety. Pray, keep fighting, and learn to push yourself, bit by bit. You can do this.

Do you ever struggle with driving anxiety? Do you use any of these tips? Tell me in the comments.
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