The Bestiary Tag

The Bestiary Tag

Victoria over at Wander's Pen created this really cool tag, so of course I had to steal. I love mythical creatures, so this is the perfect tag.


1. Include the graphic somewhere in the post and/or link back to Victoria.
2. Answer the questions on your blog.
3. Tag three or more fantasy lovers.

The Questions

1.) What is your favorite mythical creature?

Probably faeries. I've been fascinated with them and their many forms since I was young.

2.) When was the first time you heard of this beast?

Technically not so much of a beast, but I probably first heard of them from things like Peter Pan and fairy tales.

3.) What is your favorite portrayal of this creature in media?

Thirteen Treasures. It has the traditional, darker versions of faeries that can be good and bad that I love.

4.) If you could shapeshift into a mythical beast what would you pick?

One word. Dragon. What cooler thing to change into than a giant, fire breathing lizard.

5.) What mythical beast would you love to have as a pet?

A unicorn could be cool. You could ride it and pet it and do magic.

6.) What is your favorite mythological story surrounding a fantastical beast like in Greek Mythology, Egyptian Mythology, etc.?

There are so many good ones to chose from. The Sphinx. The Labyrinth with the Minotaur.  Odysseus and the sirens.

7.) What mythical creature would terrify you the most if you encountered it in person?

Any of the scary ones? I haven't heard much about the Wendigo, but that sounds terrifying. And the weeping lady monster thingy.

8.) What is the most unusual mythical creature you've ever heard of?

Mothman. Just why?

9.) What uncommon mythical beast do you wish you saw more of in books and movies?

Selkies. Kitsune (Japanese fox shape-shifters). And phookas.

10.) If you could create a mythical creature what would it be?

It would be cool to create a creature that could sense whether you were good or bad, then lead you to either fortune or disaster. Or how about a sea unicorn?

The Tags

And anyone else!

What is your favorite mythical creature? If you could shapeshift into one, what would you chose? Tell me in the comments.

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  1. Pretty sure what you're thinking of is called a banshee. And challenge accepted!(now I have a post for Thursday!)

    1. No, it's not a banshee. It's the lady that goes weeping along rivers and doesn't have a face. But I hope you enjoy!

  2. I love your answers! Fairies are awesome! Is that a book that you like them in or a show?

    1. It's the first book in a middle grade trilogy and it's really well done. It feels kind of similar to Spiderwick. You should check it out.


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