The Sunshine Blogger Award

Look, a tag I was actually tagged in and didn't steal. Anyway, this will be the third time I've done this tag. But like I've said before, it's a fun one to repeat because the questions are different every time. Let's head into the tag!

The Rules

1. Thank the person who tagged you. (Thanks, McKayla!)

2. Answer the 11 questions.

3. Tag 11 new people and ask them 11 new questions. (Like I ever nominate that many people.)

The Questions

What genre was the last movie you watched? What are your three favorite movies in said genre?

The last movie I watched was Jingle Jangle, which is a Christmas musical. My three favorite musicals are currently probably 1) The Greatest Showman, 2) Mamma Mia!, and 3) Hairspray. But that list is always fluctuating because I love musicals.

If you were to attend Hogwarts, which subject do you think you'd be best at?

*whispers* I've never read Harry Potter. So I have no idea what classes they have.

Would you play Quidditch? If so, what position?

Again, having never read Harry Potter, I have no idea what Quidditch is or what the positions are.

Favorite fantasy subgenre?

Humorous fantasy. The kind that makes you laugh, or pokes a little fun at the fantasy genre. That or urban fantasy.

What is a book that you think should have a movie adaptation?

A lot of them. But one of my top picks would be The Legend of Holly Claus. It would make a beautiful either anime or Disney style movie.

What is a book that you think shouldn't have had a movie adaptation?

Hmm, that's even harder. Maybe Strange the Dreamer? I just think the beauty would be lost in a movie version.

What is your favorite type of donut [man, now these are just getting weird]?

Krispie Kreme's Santa Belly Donut. It's a chocolate marshmallow cream filled donut that is to die for.

Does Aaron Samuels' hair look sexy pushed back (or are you with me in the Aaron is Overrated group)?

*whispers* I haven't seen Mean Girls either. But I Googled him and I have a soft spot for the skater boy haircut, so I'ma say no.

If you had to spend 24 hours locked in an elevator with three fictional characters to keep you company, which three characters would they be?

Sal (Sal and Gabi Break the Universe) because he could entertain us with magic tricks (and probably break us out), Percy Jackson, because he would make it fun, and Jo March.

If you could rule the world for enough time to make one law that everyone had to follow, what would that law be?

You have to be kind to everyone. Showing a little kindness would take us a long way.

What is your love language?

I just took a quiz and apparently it's quality time. I can see it, too.

My Questions!

1. If you could pick one Disney movie to have a live action remake done right, which would it be?
2. Who is your favorite actor?
3. Who is your favorite actress?
4. If you had to pick a song to play on repeat for a year, what song would you pick?
5. What's the last thing you watched on YouTube?
6. What is your favorite thing by that channel?
7. Favorite Doctor Who companion?
8. Leave favorite Doctor Who companion?
9. What is your favorite classic book?
10. What type of cake do you consider yourself?
11. And finally, what is your favorite outfit in your closet?

As for tagging, if you'd like to do this tag, please do. It's much easier for me that way.

What's your love language (if you know)? What book do you think shouldn't have an adaptation? Tell me in the comments!

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  1. I loved reading your answers!
    I will admit, even though I'm not a huge Aaron fan (nothing against him. He's one of the nicest characters. He's just not my type), he does rock the skater boy haircut.
    SANTA BELLY DONUTS ARE AMAZING! I've only had them once, but, mmmm, they were fantastic. *mouth waters*
    Ooh, Percy Jackson and Jo March are such fun characters. Being trapped in an elevator with those two would certainly never be boring.
    Being kind is so important. That's such a wonderful answer.
    I loved the questions that you asked. Do I have your permission to do the tag (tag back, I guess)?

    1. Santa Bellies are the best donut ever. Or course you can do the tag again. I'd love to see your answers!


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