10 of My Favorite Superhero Movies

The other day I was thinking about some of those superhero movies I could watch time and time again. I know superhero movies have kind of faded in the public eye, becoming something we love to hate on, but I'm a superhero lover at heart.

So, today, I thought it would be fun to share ten of my favorite superhero movies. I'm not saying these are the best superhero movies ever, but these are the ones I find myself reaching for time and time again.

Without further ado (and in no particular order), here we go!

1. The Amazing Spider-Man

I'll warn you now, there is a very big theme on this list, and that theme is Spider-Man. The older I've gotten, the more I've fallen in love with him, and I've watched all the various Spider-Man movies what some might say is too many times.

Now, there's a lot of dislike around Andrew Garfield's Spider-Man movies. While they aren't perfect, they're actually some of my favorites. I love Andrew's awkward portrayal of Peter and Emma Stone's energy as Gwen (even if Gwen can be stupid sometimes).

Andrew's Spider-Man also has some of the best jokes and one-liners out there. I mean, this-

That's peak Spider-Man humor right there. I also think a lot of the action sequences are quite solid, as is the score. And don't even get me started on how good the suit looks. Ugh, I could go on about this movie for days. Now I want to re-watch it.

2. Spider-Man 2

Another of my favorite Spider-Man movies is Spider-Man 2. Is that 50% for Doc Ock? Yes, yes it is.

I'm not a huge fan of Tobey McGuire's movies, but if I had to pick one to watch, it would be this one. It's campy and goofy and has one of the best Spider-Man scenes ever (the train scene).

And, of course, it has Doctor Octopus, one of my favorite Spider-Man villains! Alfred Molina does a fantastic job at the role, bringing both his villainous side and his gentler scientist side to life. Not to mention the amazing tentacles which if I remember correctly, they did with practical effects.

3. Captain America: The Winter Soldier

If I had to pick one MCU movie to watch at any time, this would be one of the top contenders. Which isn't surprising as it's considered one of the best films in the MCU. I've seen it so many times and I would sit down and watch it right now.

It's just so good! Steve and Bucky. Black Widow being awesome. Sam's comments. The fantastic story (I'm a sucker for a rogue agent story). Not to mention the score. It's fantastic.

I also have super fond memories of this movie because this is one of the few movies my whole family saw in theaters. Even better, we watched it in DC, where most of the movie takes place. I can literally point out where some of the scenes took place, which is crazy.

4. Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse

You didn't think this movie wouldn't be on this list, did you? It's one of the best superhero and Spider-Man movies of all times, so of course it is.

It has it all. A fantastic animation style. Great characters. A banger soundtrack. And my home girl, Spider-Gwen. She's one of my favorite Spider-Man variations and I'm so happy to see her portrayed on-screen in this movie. In a really comic book accurate way, no less.

5. Push

I don't know if this is technically a superhero movie, but since this is my list, I'm going to count it. It's an early 2000s movie about people with powers trying to escape other people with powers and the government. Okay, I'm not explaining it well, but look it up. It's got baby Chris Evans in it. What else do you need from a movie?

Even though this movie's aspect ratio is stupid wide, I love the creativity of the film. It's set in Hong Kong, it has a very guerilla style filming, and all the actors are great. It's not well-known, but I think that's because it was released in that awkward era when the MCU hadn't started and superhero movies hadn't taken off yet.

I will forever be sad it never got a sequel, because the set-up they left for it was quite intriguing.

6. The Avengers

This is the first MCU movie I ever saw. I had no idea who any of the characters were, I mistook Loki for the Joker, and I loved it. I was hooked on these new movies that brought superheroes I only vaguely knew before to new life.

I've seen this movie so many times and I would watch it again right now (even though I practically have it memorized). I enjoy the later Avengers films, but I love the small, tight cast of this one and how the story is more centralized around these six characters.

Plus, it has so many great lines. I quote it all the time.

7. Fantastic Four

It's shocking to me that there's so much hate for Fantastic Four (2005). It's so good. They have a great line-up of actors and it combines seriousness and camp perfectly. Plus, again, we have a little baby Chris Evans (are you seeing a theme here?).

I think it does a great job of bringing the First Family to the big screen. They're smart, capable adults (even Johnny when he wants to be) carrying out serious missions. The 2015 versions, by comparison, are childlike and stupid most of the time. So please, check out this movie and its sequel if you have a chance.

(Also, I do not have much hope for the new Fantastic Four movie, but we'll see. Maybe the cast will do better than I think.)

8. Incredibles

This movie scared me so bad as a kid, and I think that's why I love it today. It's not afraid to pull punches. People die. Threats are serious. Mr. Incredible gets covered in those gooey ball things that gave me nightmares as a child.

As I grew up, I appreciated it more and more. It's truly a deep movie the whole family can enjoy that happens to be about superheroes. The animation may not look fantastic today, but when it came out? It was fantastic. (I'm unsure how I feel about the sequel, though. I think I'd have to watch it again.)

I also have a soft spot for this movie because of Violet. Her shyness and insecurity spoke to me as an anxious, introverted teen. To this day, she's my favorite character (besides maybe Edna).

9. Spider-Man: Homecoming

This is the best Tom Holland Spider-Man movie and I won't be taking any arguments. I do enjoy the other two, no doubt, but I love the simplicity of this story and how mostly unconnected it is to the greater MCU. It's the kind of film that feels like it could be a Spider-Man comic book I pick up off the shelf.

I'm especially fond of Michael Keeton's performance as the Vulture. He brings such a nice subtle menace to the role. And the scene in the car? Or the one in the warehouse? Ugh, it's just so good.

10. Big Hero Six

I love this movie, but I also hate this movie because it always makes me cry. This is another film that doesn't pull its punches. The first time I watched it, I was waiting for Tadashi to come back, but he never did and that hurt, even though I'm glad they made that decision.

Sure, the villain is dumb and it's a little corny in places. But I love a good superhero team movie and this is no exception. The characters are so fun and colorful and I wish we'd gotten a sequel back in the day. (I have no hope in any sequels they produce now.)

Bonus! Venom

Okay, I know I said ten, but I love the Venom movie so much, I had to include it. Is it good? Not exactly. But like The Amazing Spider-Man, there's heart to it. I love Eddie and Venom's interactions. Tom Hardy does a great job at both roles.

I wish the sequel had been better, and I'm still holding out hope for the third movie. But for now, this is the Venom movie I find myself returning to time and time again.


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