NaNoWriMo 2018 Update #1

NaNoWriMo 2018 Update #1

We are on the fifth day of NaNoWriMo and it's time for my first weekly update. Since I've only written four days, I obviously haven't gotten very far, but we can still talk about what I have.

Writing Progress

Word Count: 7,595

Story Progress: Halfway-ish through the First Act.


Story-wise, I feel pretty good. It's flowing okay for now and I like how it's going. Now that I've said that, of course, it will all going crashing down, but I chose to remain optimistic. For now.

As for life mood, I'll admit it's not the greatest right now. It's not like I'm not enjoying NaNoWriMo, because I am, but it does feel awfully long this year. I hope that once I get into the swing of it, I'll feel less like that. It doesn't help I have a lot of other things on my plate right now. But I shall preserver.

Current mood about life.

Quote of the Week

Every week I'm planning on putting an inspirational writing quote in my bullet journal, so I thought I'd share the quote I pick each week with you. This weeks is from Ray Bradbury.

How have the first few days been for you? Is your story going well? Tell me in the comments.
