Things in Books that Make Me Stupidly Happy: Guest Post by Bethany Meyer

Things in Books that Make Me Stupidly Happy: Guest Post by Bethany Meyer

I've got a special treat for you today. My sister Bethany, also a blogger, and I are doing posts on each other's blogs! Without further ado, I hand the reins over to her. (And be sure to read to the end to find her blog links and such.)

I read many, many books over the course of a year, and while some are always better than others, there are some things that happen in books that make me immediately like them better(such as any characters being a leftie, but I'm not prejudiced or anything). Some of them make me literally want to jump up and down squealing. So let's get started on the list!

1. The forehead touch

Out of all of these, this one probably gets me more giddily happy than anything else. It's such a cute bonding thing. It doesn't have to be intimate or anything. It's just sweet. Friends can do it, family can do it, lovers can do it, I don't care. Just touch. Your. Foreheads.

2. Cute kisses

Lips kisses are all well and good, and if the lovers don't kiss, what's the point? But I'm talking about the other kinds of kisses. Kisses on the hand (oh, look what a gentleman!), kisses on the cheek, kisses on the forehead, the temple- I'll take 'em all. Cuteness.

3. Dynamic duos

Sherlock and Watson, Skulduggery Pleasant and Valkyrie, any duo that can rib each other and squabble but also love one another and know everything about one another. These people are basically friendship goals, and I love them.

4. Use of any super-obscure mythical creature that basically only I have heard of

Seriously, when somebody uses a term like nixie or chupucabra or tammer, I get over-the-moon excited. Same thing when somebody brings up a more obscure fact about any mythical creature, known or unknown. I'm just like 'Ha!! I know this stuff!!'

5. References to my fandoms!!!!!!

Please, call someone 'Spock' as a joke. Have your protagonist wave his new sword around while making light saber sounds. Quote a show I watch. Any book goes up my ten points in my view the second someone makes a reference to something I love.

6. Siblings

I mean, really good siblings. The kind where whether they would die for you or push you off that cliff depends on how annoying you're being, but are loyal to an actual fault. (Oh, sorry, I think I might have misspelled 'realistic siblings')

7. Peacemaker characters

All of them. The sweet and quiet peacemaker character, the sit-down-and-make-up-or-I'll-pound-you type, the Dad of the Group type, you name it. The peacemaker characters are always my favorites. I see them in the story and my heart kind of explodes a bit and I will genuinely defend them to the end of the Earth so don't you touch my children.

8. Adorable little kids

I'm nuts about babies in real life, but when there's a good baby or a toddler or just a cute kid in general in the book I'm reading I just get sparkly anime eyes. I mean, how can you resist their charms?? So smol, so CUTE! Wait what now he's crying what have you done, you monster??

9. Life situations

You don't know how much you love these until they appear. Seriously, in the book my sister was reading they brought up that dream where all the bathrooms don't have doors or the bottoms of the stalls come up really high or whatever and we were both like woah that happens to other people?? Mind. Blown. Seriously, it's so hilarious when people bring these things up.

10. Easter eggs!!!

Every time an author references another one of their books within another one of their books, aaaaaaaaaaah!!! It is seriously my favorite thing, especially when I love the author and have read every. Other. Book. They've written. The Easter egg just comes up and I seriously explode with excitement.

Wasn't that awesome? You should now go check out her blog at Scribbled Fiction and read all her posts. You can also find her on Twitter and Instagram where she's very funny. And if you're interested, here's the link to the post I wrote on worldbuilding tropes.

Can you relate to these? What's something in books that makes you really happy? Tell me in the comments!


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