Stop Man-Bashing

Stop Man-Bashing

I know most of you reading this won't have a problem with what I'm going to talk about. But it's something I've been thinking about lately, so I wanted to write out my thoughts.

Our culture has a thing for feminism right now. It's only everywhere. The future is female. Equal rights for women. A girl can do anything a boy can do. (And to drive this point home, when I was looking through PicMonkey's graphics for this post, I found a second of female icons, but nothing for men.)

Having strong women isn't necessarily a bad thing. The Bible is full of stories of women who saved the day, from Rahab to Jael. But in order for women to be on top in today's culture, one thing has become common. And that thing is man-bashing.

Man-bashing is when women belittle men, their achievements, and basically anything else about them. Through doing this, women thinks it makes them look better, when in fact, it makes them look even worse.

It's basically like bullying. Are you really going to cheer for the bully, even if they might be smaller or weaker? No, because they're still abusing someone else, and that's not good.

There's nothing wrong with a little friendly teasing. I joke with my brothers all the time about their intelligence level. But we both know that it's all meant in fun. And what women are doing to men now isn't.

The reason I wanted to bring this up is not only because of how much it comes up in our culture. I wanted to discuss it because I've been seeing it a lot in books and movies and that's not a good thing.

Take a look at almost any recent movie where there is a "strong" female lead. How does she prove she's such a powerful character? Normally by putting down a male character (either a main one or a disposable one). They beat them up, show how smart they are compared to the male, or put them down some other way.

The worse part is, we then cheer these characters on and say "You go, girl". There are times where this isn't done in a sexist way, but most of the time, it decidedly is. And I'm just as guilty of this as you probably have been.

Why can't our girl characters show their strength without the need to belittle men? And why can't the male characters not be sexist in the first place, thus causing the girl to need to belittle him?

Instead of making characters like that, why can't our male and female characters treat each other with respect? The men show women the respect they want and the women respond in kind? There are plenty of ways for them to show themselves strong than kicking butt. If you can listen to a person scream in your face and still respond with kindness, then you are way stronger that way than I am. Or what about being able to lift something heavy or do a perfect push-up?

Don't worry, I'm not planning to go on much longer. I just wanted to make a point about how God made man and woman to coexist in harmony with one another, and our current culture has broken that. We should strive to get back to Biblical principles and of course, remember the golden rule.

Do you have any thoughts on this subject? I'd love to hear them. Leave a comment down below and share. (But please keep it clean.)

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  1. I really love this post! Man bashing has become all-too common in this "me-too" generation. There are many good, godly men; right now, my brother, cousins, dad, and step-dad come to mind, as well as several friends.

    1. Thank you. And amen to there being so many great, Godly men out there. I know several myself.

  2. Replies
    1. Ohhh, I forgot to tell you that I tagged you!

  3. This is definitely a huge problem in our culture and I'm seeing it come into stories too. I read book lately where the author pointedly made sure that women saved the day in the end and not men and there was a huge uproar when men dared to say they didn't like the Captain Marvel film. Voicing their opinion was considered sexist and that's not right.

    1. Exactly. It's something more people need to realize. Everyone should have a voice, not just women.


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