10 Types of Movie Watchers

10 Types of Movie Watchers

Do you like sci-fi movies with awesome special effects? Or are you more of a historical drama with fabulous costumes kind of person? Wonder no more, for today I have a list of ten common types of movie watchers you can find. (I hope you enjoy this small attempt at humor.)

1. The Hipster

They only watch indie films, unknown "gems", or anything that isn't popular. They're especially big fans of film festival movies. They can come off as elitist (because they are), but they might actually know a good film or two.

2. The Documentarian

These guys aren't big fans of fiction. They prefer cold, hard facts. They love watching documentaries of any kind and are probably a wealth of knowledge. May also be big fans docuseries.

3. Trend follower

Whatever is trending on Netflix, top of the box office, or everyone is talking about on social media- this person will watch. Doesn't matter if it's good, they can't not be up to speed. As soon as a new trend hits, they're on it.

4. Anime child

Studio Ghibli, Avatar, My Hero Academia, and the like are their preferred watching. Like the Hipster, they probably also consider themselves apart from the crowd. They don't mind subtitles and overreacting to everything is okay by them. May also speak a small amount of Japanese.

5. Fantasy fan

They love a sweeping vista, a giant army, or any fantasy creature in their movies. If it takes place in a made up world, hopefully with magic, they will forever wish they lived there. Half will be Poterheads, the others will be LOTR buffs. Filled with obsessive knowledge about their favorite worlds.

6. Emotional watcher

Keep tissues on hand if you're one of these, or know one. They like movies that have all the feels and leave them bawling. Everything gives them huge emotions. Probably big fans of romances and foreign dramas.

7. The Trekkie

Or, the super nerd sci-fi fan. Could be a fan of Star Trek, Star Wars, or both. Compares everything to them and probably is a cosplayer. Do not stand between them and their favorite celebrities. Or a star ship.

8. Binge-watcher

This kind doesn't just watch one episode or one movie. They binge a whole season in a day, or go to those giant movie marathons playing the whole MCU. You don't want to sign up to watch with them.

9. The Book to Movie Fanatic

They know and love the book. Or hear about a new book being turned into a movie and rush to read it. Then they watch the movie and are sorely disappointed. They complain about what they did wrong, what they left out, and how they did it different in the book. No book to movie adaptation will ever satisfy them.

10. Dabbler

A bit of historical drama. A rom-com here or there. Some fantasy and sci-fi. They enjoy almost any genre as long as it's a good story and keeps them entertained for a few hours. They're not super picky and are a good one to take to the theater.

Which type or types of movie watcher are you? If you could only watch one kind of movie forever, what would it be? Tell me in the comments.

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  1. Ooh this is a fun post!!! I'm a mixture of the Fantasy Fan, Trekkie, and Dabbler for sure. xP Which are you, Rachel?

    1. I'm probably about the same, only with the Book to Movie person thrown in. I enjoyed putting this one together.

  2. Replies
    1. Any relation to persons living or dead are strictly coincidental.

  3. This post made me laugh! XD I think I'm a combination of 5, 6, 7, and 9.

    1. That's what I was going for, so I'm glad it worked. :)


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