April 2022 Recap

I also apologize if this post is a bit sub-par. I'm currently fighting a cold and my head is super congested, making me less than concise.

•Had a decent Easter. It was different than our normal ones (and I don't like different very much). But I did love my outfit. I even got my first petticoat to go with it.

•My sister, a friend, and myself went nature painting. The original plan was to go outside and try plein air painting, but it was cold and rainy the day we planned go to. So we went to the botanical gardens instead, which are inside. It was a fun time.
•My sister also got me into Ouran Host Club. Currently my phone backgrounds are pictures of my favorite characters. It's a cheesy show, but a cute one.
•Went to Virginia for the weekend. I didn't want to go very much, and I wasn't feeling 100%, but I did get to see where my dad went to college and say hi to some friends.
•I've been working on my spring cleaning. I've accomplished a lot of the smaller tasks. Now I'm down to the big ones that will take a whole afternoon, such as my Pinterest boards and photos.

•Desert Flower- Melody Personette (5 stars)
•The Secret Token- Andrew Lawler (4 stars)
•The Lost Continent- Tui T. Sutherland (4 stars)
•Six Crimson Cranes- Elizabeth Lim (3 stars)
•Better Together- Christine Riccio (3 stars)

•Love and Monsters (not what I expected, but fun)
•Turning Red (pretty much what I expected- meh)
•Top Gun (I thought this classic would be better)
•Chaos Walking (very different than the book, but a good movie)

Rewriting on OAMH has been going well. I don't know if it's the slightly different outlining method I tried or just that I know the story better now, but it's going to be long. I'm not even halfway through and already over 40k words.
As an underwriter, this is a shock to me. I'm not used to my books taking this long to write. But I've decided to sit back and enjoy writing it. Not worry so much about finishing within a strict timeline, but working on it consistently.

I finished my next ninja- Cole. He looks pretty good, and I love how his arms came out. Thus the outfit I picked for him.
Other than that, I've been working on Zane, but I'm not quite finished. I wanted to get more art done, but it just hasn't happened. Hopefully I'll be back with some new pieces next month.

•It's Mermay, so I'd love to do some of those. I'm thinking of trying to do a ten minute sketch every day, and maybe a few more complex ones?
•I hope to finish OAMH by the end of May. I think I can do it if I write some every day.
•I would also love to do more reading. Most of my time this month was taken up with a non-fiction book, so I need to work on some library books.

How was your April? Have you done any spring cleaning, or do you plan to? Tell me in the comments.
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