How I Would Rewrite Sing 2

But I also love thinking of ways I would have changed the story to make it even better. So today we're going to go through the theoretical edits I would have made to change the story. If you like this post, let me know, and I might do more. (I often have ideas on how films could be better, at least to me.)
Spoilers ahead for Sing 2!

Big Changes

Emphasize Ash and Clay Calloway
I love that Ash, this punk teenager, is the one that brought Clay Calloway back from his self-imposed isolation. However, I think it could have been done better. In the movie as it is, she's just a huge fan of his and that's it.
I would give her a more personal connection to Clay for starters. Maybe his music was a comfort to her when she lost someone dear in her life. Which is why she wants so badly to save him from himself, rather than just because she feels bad for him.
This could give us a touching scene where she spills out her story to him and we all cry. Then you could end with the scene of her playing on the steps and him finally deciding to come back. It's a tiny thing, but I'd also change the scene that follows, because it's jarring to go from touching to a blasting newscast.

Increase Johnny's story
This one is probably more fan service for me, because I love Johnny. But I feel like he was shoved to the side a lot in this one. The story I really wanted to see for him was him getting faced with something hard where he's tempted to turn to the one thing he knows- a life of crime.
Kind of like the scene in the first movie, but more important. I'm not sure what the conflict could be. Maybe he's tasked with raising money for their show or has a girl he wants to impress. It tempts him back into the cycle of crime. But then maybe his dad catches him and has a heartfelt moment where he tells Johnny that crime doesn't pay.
This subplot probably wouldn't work well with the story they told, so you'd have to do some big changes to fit it in. It's not really that necessary, but it's something I'd love to see. Or at least him having a more important plot than learning to dance. Even if they showed us why that was such a struggle for him, it would be better.
More screen time for Porsha
Porsha was an interesting character. A spoiled brat who was probably being low-key abused by her dad. Only through the hard hand of Miss Crawly in her life was she finally able to snap out of her own world.
But all that is barely shown in the movie, overshadowed by other events. But I think if she's going to get a song in the finale, then we need to see that change more emphasized. What I would do is keep the scenes they have, but add to them.
Show earlier on that her dad may dote on her, but he's also mean to her. Show more of Porsha and Miss Crawly together and how that wakes Porsha up. Just add two or three more scenes, and her big moment at the end would be twice as powerful.

Change the stakes
The stakes of the first movie is Buster Moon losing his theater, his reputation, and his dream. Interestingly enough, he loses all those things in the third act. But in this movie, the stakes are literal death? For some reason, Mr. Crystal is just cool with throwing animals off his high rise and thinks he's going to get away with it?
This is such a jump from the first movie, it's jarring. I understand wanting to change the stakes, but this just feels extreme. I think I would have made Buster fighting for something else.
Maybe he bet his theater on their show doing well. Or says that he'll come work for Crystal if he can't get Clay Calloway. Something more personal and less dramatic than being thrown off a building. This would still make Buster fight hard, and would make it more interesting, because we don't want him to lose either of those things.
Small Changes

Tighten the plot
Somehow, the first movie managed to tell five individual stories of desire and change in under two hours. This movie didn't do as well. It added more characters, but I think they could have balanced it all better.
Rather than telling like six stories at once, I'd focus on the four I outlined above. It would give other characters a chance to shine and tighten things up a lot.
Change the music
Okay, this is just a pet peeve. But the music wasn't nearly as good. There was only one original song, and it's not even sung onscreen. The characters didn't sing enough, and they put "Bad Guy" in it. I cringed so hard.
I would pick better music, make it more personal, and give at least one character an original song in the finale. I'd also put less music in. There's a lot in the background that gets distracting at time.
Tweak Rosetta's subplot
Rosetta had a smaller arc in this movie, which is fine. She played a big role in the first one. But in this movie, her plot revolves around being randomly afraid of doing wire work. Not even because she's scared of heights.
I don't know why they added that line. It makes the whole thing so illogical. I would just have her say she's afraid of heights, then have her overcome that fear in the end. I think they did it to make a point about how she wants to look cool in front of her kids, but it didn't work.
Make Mina and Alfonso actually sing together
Another little pet peeve I had with this movie. Mina is paired with this douchebag of an actor for a romance scene. But during the movie, she gets a crush on this cute elephant ice cream boy. For the end scene, she performs with the douche, but imagines she's performing with ice cream boy.
And I hate that. I would have put in some sort of accident for the douche and then have Mina suggest Alfonso does the scene with her. They sing together, are super cute, and agree to go out later. It would be way better than her singing with a jerk who doesn't care about her enough to learn her name.

So there you go. All the changes I would have made. Again, none of these are because I didn't like the movie. This is just the hypothetical way I would have written it.

Have you seen Sing 2? Is there a movie you would change to make improvements? Tell me in the comments.
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