Character Breakdown: Kate Bishop from Hawkeye

I'd also like to announce that I'm going to move blog post days to Tuesdays rather than Mondays. My Mondays are busy right now, and it'll be easier for me to get posts out on Tuesday. You probably don't care when they come out, but I thought I'd let you know. Now, on to today's post!

Today we're going to be breaking down one of my favorite Marvel comic characters- Kate Bishop, aka Hawkeye. I'd like to be very clear that this is the comic book version, not the MCU version, since they ruined her character in the show. (It was very sad, because I love Kate and I love Hailee, but they just did both dirty.)

•Snarky. Kate Bishop could probably give Deadpool a run for his money. She always has a sassy comeback for every situation. Her snarky humor is part of the reason I fell in love with her character.
•Independent. From a young age, she's always been more willing to rely on herself. She even moves all the way to the West Coast, away from all the other superheroes, to strike out on her own.

•Smart. Kate's very observant and quick to figure things out. Which is good, since she sets up a detective business in LA. She's not afraid to do research or learn something new either.
•Big hearted. Kate does have a soft spot, especially for those in need. She helps people that can't pay her, takes care of Lucky, and collects her own rag-tag group of friends.

•Headstrong. She might be smart, but sometimes that goes out the window when her stubborn tendencies kick in. She does things her way or not at all.
•Unthinking. Kate can also be an act first, think second kind of person. Or a go-in-with-a-half-baked-plan type. She's a girl of action who prefers to work on the fly.

•Bow and arrow. Shocker, I know. Kate is an excellent archer, rivalling Hawkeye, and has been able to do some amazing stunts with it.
•Martial arts. Kate doesn't have any superpowers, so she makes up for that by being an excellent hand-to-hand fighter. Even without her bow, she can be a deadly force.

What Makes Her Interesting
•Her relationship with Hawkeye. If you can find some comics with the two of them, you need to read them. They're so hilarious together. They aren't really a mentor-mentored relationship, more of a chaotic sibling duo. They run their mouths, take turns being the "adult", and are constantly covered in Band-Aids.
•Her reactions. I think one of the reasons I love her so much is that you're never quite sure how Kate's going to react in any situation. She might do or say the exact thing you're thinking, or she might react entirely off the chain. It's so fun to watch.

What's your favorite thing about Kate Bishop? Superpowers or self-made superheroes? Tell me in the comments.
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