6 More Popular Books I Didn't Like

6 More Popular Books I Didn't Like

I come before you once again with a list of popular books (YA and other) that I didn't enjoy for one reason or another. I've done one of these lists before, so I thought it would be fun to do another one with some more books I've read since them. Or some that I've read since then, plus some older reads. Anyway, let's get triggered!


I originally rated this book highly. But looking back on it, I feel like it was rather mid. This happens sometimes with me. I'll think back on a book and like it more or less after some time to ruminate on it.


I hate this book so much. I don't like the way it represents homeschoolers (a common problem with YA books). Beyond that, I don't remember the rest of the story having any redeeming qualities.

A Picture of Dorian Gray

I read this classic this year and I don't get the hype. It was boring and way more gay than anyone warned me about. I see how the concept has appeal, but I didn't enjoy the story.

The Summer I Turned Pretty

I read this last year before the TV series came out and I hated it. I like To All the Boys I Loved Before, but this book was so shallow. I could do a whole rant post about it and the show. Suffice to say, skip it. It's not good for anyone.


I know a lot of people love this, but I didn't. The world was pretty cool, but all the characters annoyed me to death. Would not read again.


Again, people adore this book. But I found it boring and very Islamic. I even watched the movie (or the first part anyway) and still didn't get it.

Have you read any of these? Did you like them or hate them? Tell me in the comments.


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