Why I Ship Wirt and Beatrice

Why I Ship Wirt and Beatrice

Over the Garden Wall is probably one of my favorite TV shows of all time. My favorite character is Wirt, so today I wanted to talk about why I would pick him and Beatrice as a couple over any of the other girls in the show. I realize this is a niche post, and if you haven't seen the show, it probably won't make sense, but I wanted to make it anyway.

So come along on this silly little post while I explain my thoughts and reasoning. We're also going to ignore that Wirt is in middle school and look at more the possibility of romance than actual romance in the show (which is pretty much nil).

Reason #1: They have the most screen time

I might ship Wirt with another character more if he shared more than a couple scenes with either Lorena or Sara. But he doesn't. Each of them only appears in one episode, while Beatrice is in pretty much every episode for even a short amount of time.

Reason #2: They have great chemistry

Some people like Wirt and Lorena because they seem quite sweet on each other. But again, he knows her for like an evening and they sing a 30 second song together (albeit, a great 30 second song). It feels more like he saw a pretty girl and had a crush, even if maybe that could develop into something more.

Sara is 100% a crush and will go away in a year or something after Wirt grows up a little more or finds a girl he actually likes. She might not reject his weirdness, but I just can't see them being good together.

But Wirt and Beatrice have great friendship energy I could see evolving into a beautiful relationship. They start out rocky, but through shared experiences, they become great friends. From there, who knows. Plus, they have banter, something I love in an onscreen relationship.

Reason #3: Beatrice knows Wirt best

During their time together, Wirt and Beatrice not only share life-changing experiences, they share their secrets and dreams. That's something Wirt doesn't have with any of the other two girls.

Beatrice knows Wirt's insecurities and love of poetry. Wirt knows Beatrice's shame and snarkiness. They've seen each other and their highs and lows and came out the other side stronger. I think that's a great basis for a relationship.

I know it's dumb to ship a boy and girl turned into a bluebird from literally different worlds. But I like to imagine they find each other again some day and maybe things progress from there.

Have you seen Over the Garden Wall? Which girl do you like best for Wirt? Tell me in the comments.


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