Star Wars Character Tag

Star Wars Character Tag

Star Wars+characters+my own characters= awesomeness! I was tagged in this by Mem and it looks so fun that I can't wait to do it. If you've been around here a while you'll know that I am a huge Star Wars fan, so this tag is perfect for me. Speaking of Star Wars real quick, anyone else dying for another Episode X trailer? I have questions people. And they need answering.

But anyway, let's not delve into that whole theory area and just get to the actual tag.

The Rules


2. Refer To Number 1.

3. There is one absolute rule: You MUST use your own characters (OCs) for this tag. (Brownie points if you add pictures of your characters.)

4. The Sorta Rule: Scream a huge thank you to whoever tagged you for this whilst treating them to a pizza dinner at your favorite pizza chain. (THANKS, MEM! YOU'RE THE BEST!)

5. The Kinda Rule: Include This Link In The Post So That The Penny Can Read Everyone’s Answers To This Smol Strange Tag: (Sorry, the link's broken, or I would.)

6. The Rule That’s Not Really A Rule But It Would Be Great: Include The Graphic and Tag at Least Three Jedi or Sith Lords.

The Tag

#1: Who's your Obi-Wan Kenobi? (Sassy, a great mentor, can be a bit strict)

Chieko, hands down. She's the mentor from my superhero novel, Out of the Shadows: Hero by Night and she's one of my favorite characters from that book. (Although I'd probably say that about all the characters.) She's not your average sensei that lives on the mountain, and she's a great help to Hana throughout the book.

#2 Who’s your Leia Organa? (Feisty, incredible comebacks, does their own thing)

Vi, from the novel I wrote with my sister that I don't think has a name. I haven't talked about this one much, but we wrote it together several years ago and now we're finally getting around to editing it (because it needs serious help). Vi is a child of two worlds and a very fiesty character that will anything to protect her friends.

#3 Who’s your Finn? (overeager, adorable, cinnamon roll)

Tyler, also from Out of the Shadows. He's Hana's little brother and sooo cute. Bonus point, in my novel he dresses up as Finn for Halloween. He's the sort of character I hope everyone will love and want to protect at all costs.

#4 Who’s your Padme? (kind, loving, but also kickbutt)

Lydia, from Goggles, Corsets, and Cyborgs. She owns her own dress shop and is Elle's confidant in the novel. But mess with her friends and oh, you are going down. She'll take you while looking fabulous in a custom made outfit, then probably go nurse everyone's injuries.

#5 Who’s your Count Dooku? (deliciously evil, extra, and sick burns)

The Queen of Hearts, from my Magic of Wonderland series. How could I not say her? She's the queen of extra, and although she doesn't exactly have great burns, she's a quick talker. She's evil and malicious, and yet I hope that readers would almost like to join her (but not quite).

#6 Who’s your BB-8? (too cute, everyone loves them, can do no wrong)

Jasmine, my main character's daughter in an unnamed novel I wrote. She's only like five, so she's adorable and innocent and precious. I'm not sure anyone will ever see that story, but I loved writing it (even when it ripped my heart out).

#7 Who’s your Yoda? (underestimated, extra, wise)

Brian's grandma from Horsemen and Hollows. She doesn't have a lot of page time, but she plays a pivotal role in the story. She knows lots of folklore and otherworldly stuff that Brian doesn't want to believe.

#8 Who’s your Anakin Skywalker?  (bratty, rebellious, whiny)

Ichabod Crain, also from H&H. He's the definition of this. One of the things I most enjoyed about writing this retelling was reversing the role of Ichabod from hero to villain. And motorcycles. Those were great.

#9 Who’s your C3-PO? (always worrying, gives depressing information, constantly wailing)

I once had a character named Dudly, I think, from a novel that shall never see the light of day who was basically a rip-off of Puddleglum, so I'll go with him. He was one of my favorite characters from that novel, though.

#10 Who’s your Luke Skywalker? (hero, has been through a lot, has their share of flaws)

Celia, from New Magic. She's the protagonist and she does have a lot of flaws, caused by what she's gone through in the past. But going to Wonderland really helps her learn the value of friendship and trust.

I Tag. . .

Anyone else who wants to join!

Who is your favorite Star Wars character? What are some of your answers? And what are you looking forward to most with Episode X? Tell me in the comments.

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