6 Things to Do While Watching Videos

6 Things to Do While Watching Videos

Do you ever get a guilty feeling as you sit and binge watch that show you love for two hours? Or feel restless while watching a movie, even if you're enjoying it? Or feel like you really should be doing something productive besides watching an hour of YouTube? Then this post is for you.

I too have been there and felt those things. And over time, I've come up with solutions that make you feel productive (even if you're still sitting around and watching something for two hours). I thought I'd share these ideas so we can all feel like we're making the most of our time. Feel free to use these at will.

(Of course, the other option would be to actually stop watching YouTube and Netflix and go do something, but who wants to do that? I need to watch why you wouldn't want to have invisibility or find out what happens in the next episode.)

Idea #1: Stretch

Bored of sitting on your butt while watching movies/YouTube/Netflix/etc? Then why not get up and stretch those muscles?

This is one my favorite things to do while catching up on some YouTube videos. I turn them on and get my stretching in at the same time. It also makes stretches less painful because you have something to distract you and time just flies by. Before you know it, you'll be a stretchy rubber band (maybe).

Idea #2: Color

You know those adult coloring books you collect but never have time to color in? While watching something is the perfect time to pull them out. You'll be flying through them in no time. (Unless you've got six, like me.)

Other great times to color are in the car, on road trips, and while waiting for things.

Idea #3: Draw

Watching and drawing is another great combination. It gives you extra drawing time, plus something about distracting yourself while you work can help increase your creativity.

I find this works better for me when I'm not working from a picture, though. If I have my laptop or phone with me for reference, I tend to get distracted with in internet, games, or solitaire. You could also just doodle or practice something to keep your skills sharp.

Idea #4: Work on a project

Lots of projects can be done while watching a movie or TV show. Knitting, crochet, clay projects, building Lego, and more. As long as it doesn't require a ton of focus, it's the perfect movie time activity.

Idea #5: Bullet journal

Our Sunday routine is to come home from church, eat lunch, and watch two episodes of Star Trek (the original series). During that time, I set up my bullet journal for the coming week and I find this is the most effective way to get it done. I also tend to set up for the next month during movies or make collections while watching stuff.

Idea #6: Write

There are two ways to do this one. You can either write in between things or write while watching. If you can write while watching, that's great. I'm no good at it because I have a short attention span.

But the second option works too. For example, you could write for twenty minutes, then watch a twenty minute episode. Or break up your writing into ten or fifteen minute sprints divided with YouTube videos. They can also be a great reward system.

What do you like to do while watching videos? Do you do any of these things? Is there a TV show you watch weekly? Tell me in the comments.

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  1. I always do something when I watch movies or TV shows. My hands can't really keep still otherwise. I do mostly knitting, crocheting and handspinning :).

    Awesome post, Rachel! I hope to comment on the rest of the posts I missed soon :).


    1. Those are all cool things to do, although I've never heard of handspinning. Sounds interesting.


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