Character Breakdown: Ethan Hunt from Mission: Impossible

Mission: Impossible is one of my favorite franchises. It's fast paced, well written, and exciting from beginning to end. In today's breakdown, I'm going to look at the main character- Tom Cruise, ahem, I mean Ethan Hunt. His character is what really makes the movies interesting, which is why we're taking a closer look today.

Spoilers ahead!


• Passionate. For a spy, Ethan has a lot of emotions. He even got married before having to divorce his wife to protect her. This passion often drives him to do things that other people would deem *wink wink* impossible.

• Independent. Ethan might be part of an agency, but he has a track record of working independently, making decisions before others can tell him to do things, and acting alone. This can be both good and bad.

• Charming. Even in mortal danger, Hunt still will crack jokes and exchange witty banter. Most people he meets are impressed with his charm and easy manner.


• Smart. Ethan is one of those characters that operates on the next level. He can make a plan in seconds, and figure out what someone else is doing from very little. His intelligence is one of the most interesting things about him, as we watch him use it time and time again.

• Tough. Throughout the films, he goes through a lot. Free-climbing, car crashes, near drowning, hand to hand combat. Yet over and over he gets up and keeps going until his mission is complete.


• Reckless. The stunts he goes through (while awesome) are often life threatening, if necessary. He'll throw himself into a situation almost without thinking. It might work out in the end, but the chances of him failing are always high.

• Secretive. Sure, he's a spy, but sometimes he won't even tell his own team what he knows. This not only frustrates them, but can sometimes endanger their mission.


• Master spy. Ethan knows all the tricks. Disguise, cool tech, and all those other espionage skills. He knows multiple languages and can probably sneak in anywhere.

• Martial artist. He's an excellent hand to hand fighter when it comes down to it. He knows a variety of styles and is extremely quick and agile.

Honestly, this part of the list could go on and on. Ethan Hunt is the top of his craft for a reason. But those are two of his biggest skills.

What Makes Him Interesting

• His sheer determination. Like I said before, Ethan will not stop until his mission is accomplished. No matter what obstacles his opponents throw at him, he is able to figure out a way around it, even if that means crazy stunts or even going rogue. It's fascinating to watch how he'll win this time.

• His relationship with his wife. Ethan meets Julia in movie three, I believe. They get married and then some bad stuff happens and he realizes that he has to leave her to protect her. He gains some affection for Ilsa as they work together, but nothing compares to his love for Julia. I think it's cool to see a spy, who normally avoids ties, having a relationship, even if it couldn't last.

Have you watched Mission: Impossible? What's your favorite thing about Ethan Hunt? Tell me in the comments!

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  1. Great post! I love the Mission: Impossible movies, too, and Ethan is such an interesting character.


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