Character Breakdown: Buster Moon from Sing

Character Breakdown: Buster Moon from Sing

Sing is one of those movies I can watch again and again. It has heart, charisma, and amazing characters. Not to mention the music.

But I was thinking about Buster Moon the other day and what an interesting character he is. He's has some interesting traits I'd love to talk about. So he seemed like the perfect character to take a deep dive on.


•Enthusiastic. Buster throws his whole heart and soul into pretty much anything he does. Saving this theater? Talking to Nana? Going to fake Vegas? He's in, 100%.

•Dreamer. "Dream big dreams." I think that encapsulates Buster pretty well. He doesn't let things like being poor or loosing his theater stop him from doing what he loves and what he thinks is right.

Look at cute baby Moon


•Optimist. Buster is a glass half full kind of guy. He's always looking for a bright side or solution that will fix all his problems. He doesn't believe that wherever he is is where he has to stay.

•Encouraging. He encourages everyone around him, pushing them to follow their dreams and think big. If you feel down, he'll be your biggest hype man.


•Opportunistic. Buster's enthusiasm can often lead him to do things that aren't strictly ethical. Such as stealing power or lying about how much money he has. Which often comes back to bite him.

•Irreverent. While he's always polite, Buster can often be a bit blunt and forward with people who would generally deserve respect. He cares more about getting what he wants than always following protocol.


•Excellent manager. Buster can see people's strengths and weaknesses, and he knows how to use them together. That's why he does such a good job at putting together shows and getting completely different animals to work together.

•Creative thinker. This kola tends to think outside the box. Making stages out of glass or disguising the group as janitors to get an audition. If he's in a tight spot, he's sure to find a way out of it.

What Makes Him Interesting

•His sheer determination. This is fascinating to me. If Buster wasn't painted as the hero from the beginning, the thinks he does would probably land him in the villain or morally gray territory. He lies, cheats, and steals to save his theater, at the risk of other's lives sometimes. But because we're told he's the hero of this story, we overlook those parts of him.

•His idealistic worldview. Buster sees a world where theater can change your life. Where people achieve their dreams and live the lives they want. That worldview affects those around him, making them see the world as a bit brighter too.

What do you think of Buster Moon? What's a "good" character with morally questionable actions you can think of? Tell me in the comments.

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