5 Books That Made Me Cry

5 Books That Made Me Cry

I don't cry easily. Especially over books and movies. It's just the way I am.

However, there have been a few select books that have made me cry over the years. So I thought it would be fun to share those books with you today, plus the reason they made me cry. Then you can read them and see if they make you cry too!

#1: Anastasia: The Last Grand Duchess

This is the first book I remember that made me cry. And that was mostly because it was my first time hearing the story of Anastasia. I didn't understand how people could do something like that (and still can't, to be honest). The book itself isn't super sad, it just shocked child me.

#2: A Monster Calls

If you didn't cry over this book, are you even a person? I read the last sentence and started bawling. I don't even know how Patrick Ness did it. But he packed so much emotion into such a short book.

#3: Jo and Laurie

I ugly cried through probably the last quarter of this book. I've never had such an emotional reaction to any other book I've ever read. I think this is for twofold reasons.

1) Because Jo and I are so similar. We've always been kindred spirits and it made me so happy to see her find love and self-value with Laurie.

2) It hit close to home with a lot of emotions I was feeling at the time. I could relate so hard, which made it hard to read.

#4: The Librarian of Auschwitz

This is another one where it wasn't so much the book that made me cry. The book itself wasn't that good, tbh. But it made me so sad to think about the Holocaust and all the similar horrors that still happen around the world today, that I cried.

#5: Little Women

I can't get to the chapter about Beth's death without crying, even though I've read it so many times before. It hurts so bad every time. It probably doesn't help that Jo was so close to her, and like I said, Jo and I are practically the same person.

I think there are a few more books that I've cried over, but I can't remember them right now. This could also be fun to do with movies and TV shows, so I might do a follow up in future.

What books have made you cry? Have you cried over any of these? Tell me in the comments.
