5 Magical Movies

5 Magical Movies

I don't know about anyone else, but sometimes I just want to watch a movie that will instantly transport to the world of pure magic. Not always magical magic either, but the kind of magical movie that feels like pure imagination. It's hard to describe, but I hope you know what I mean.

If you're in one of those moods, or are in future, here's a list of five of my favorite magical movies for when the mood hits. (Although I could probably do a part two in the future, if you're interested.)

1. This Beautiful Fantastic

I watched this movie last year and was blown away. Why doesn't anyone talk about this masterpiece of a film? It has everything you could want. Great actors, an amazing plot, quirky characters, humor, and sadness. There's this underlying magic to it, even though at it's heart, it's about a girl making a garden. Maybe that's why I like it, since The Secret Garden is one of my favorite books.

2. The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe

One of my childhood favorites. I grew up watching this film and have been in love with it from the first time. They managed to capture all the magic, heart, and sweeping grandness of this humble book perfectly on screen. The sequels didn't quite stand up to it, but because I grew up with them, I love them too.

3. Hugo

If you like a slight steampunk flavor, then Hugo is perfect. It takes place mostly inside a train station and revolves around a mechanical man and an old movie maker. It also covers a lot of early film history, which is cool. It's the sort of movie that catches your attention from the beginning and holds it.

4. The Neverending Story

Who didn't grow up watching this movie and crying their eyes out over Artax? (We will never forget you.) It's a story about magic and the imagination of children and will always be a classic. Also, if you didn't know, it's also a book, which is also awesome. I want a luck dragon now.

5. Whisper of the Heart

Of all the Studio Ghibli movies, I consider this one of the most magical, and it has pretty much zip magic. Instead, it's magic is more of the everyday kind. It explores growing up and the wonder of being an artist. It also has one of Studio Ghibli's cutest couples and a talking cat. (Although it does have a strange obsession with Take Me Home, Country Roads.)

What are some of your favorite magical movies? Do you prefer actual magic or everyday magic? Should I make a part two of this? Tell me in the comments.

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  1. I love this, so you should definitely do a part 2! The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe and The Neverending Story were my childhood! I can't tell you how many times I've watched them and they never get old (and never fail to make me cry). Hugo is one that I like a lot (especially the connection to movies!) but don't watch enough! I have a copy, so I should fix that. The only one I haven't seen is Whisper of the Heart, but Studio Ghibli movies are always excellent, so now I want to give it a go.

    1. Neverending Story always makes me cry. You should watch Whisper of the Heart, it's amazing and underrated.

  2. Hugo and The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe are both so good (and you're right, magical). I'll have to watch the others at some point.

  3. I need to watch Whisper of the Heart love Ghibli movies!

  4. LWW and Hugo are favorites of mine but I didn’t finish watching Whisper of the Heart because it’s so slow. I may have to give it another shot!

    1. It's definitely slow, but it has a really great theme about growing up and being an artist.


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