Ranking Jane Austen Protagonists!

Ranking Jane Austen Protagonists!

Around here, you know we love Austen. I've read all of her major novels and seen at least one movie version for each. (I have strong feelings about the new Persuasion they're coming out with, but we won't get into that here). I thought today it'd be fun to rank her main characters from my least to most favorite.

Per my usual disclaimer, I love all her work. Just because someone is ranked last, doesn't mean I don't like her. I just like her slightly less than some of the others.

#7: Fanny Price

I feel like Mansfield Park always ends up on the bottom of these lists. But I never remember much about this one, so here it is. Maybe I should find a good movie version.

Anyway, Fanny is very young and not always the most likeable. I barely remember what her romance with *quickly Googles* Edmund. So yes, she gets bottom place.

#6: Marianne Dashwood

It's been far too long since I visited Sense and Sensibility, either in book or movie form. Of the two sisters, Marianne was always to emotional and flighty for me. I know she's passionate about everything, but it kind of grates on me.

#5: Elinor Dashwood

We can't talk about one Dashwood sister without talking about the other. Elinor is the older and more reserved, thus why I relate to her more. I understand how she feels better and the way she kind of represses her own emotions. (I recently picked up a Sense and Sensibility copy that's the screenplay and Emma Thompson's diaries from the movie, so I need to read that.)

#4: Emma Woodhouse

Who doesn't love Emma? She can be so annoying and self-centered, but she's also so well-meaning that you can't help but love her. It helps that she has Mr. Knightly to balance her and keep her grounded. So while she may not be top tier for me, I certainly do enjoy her character and the change she goes through.

#3: Catherine Morland

You may have noticed that many of Austen's younger protagonists are lower on this list, but Catherine makes the top three. That's because she reminds me a lot of my younger self. Energetic and a little too imaginative. If I was taken to Northanger Abbey, I would probably have reacted the same way she did (I might still, depending on the day).

#2: Elizabeth Bennet

A classic. She's beloved for a reason. Lizzy can be temperamental and quick to judge, but she's also sweet and strong. I love Jennifer Ehle's portrayal of her, capturing both sides of her personality. She will always be my Elizabeth Bennet. (Also, quick shout out to Jane, who is also fabulous, but not a main character.)

#1: Anne Eliot

As I've grown older and had nobody capture my heart, I've related more and more to Anne. She's 28, Austen's oldest protagonist, and not the prettiest girl in the world. She's resigned herself to a lifetime of spinster-hood until Wentworth falls in love with her. I love her so much and think she's one of Austen's best characters that doesn't get enough love.

Who is your favorite Austen protagonist? Should I rank Austen love interests next? Tell me in the comments.

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