Book Review: Page by Paige by Laura Lee Gulledge

Book Review: Page by Paige by Laura Lee Gulledge

Page by Paige
by Laura Lee Gulledge


Everyone sees a quiet redhead who draws things. But when I close my eyes, I'm laughing and screaming and scheming and daydreaming.

New city. New friends. New Paige?

When Paige's parents move her family from Virginia to New York City, Paige doesn't know where she fits in anymore. At first, the only thing keeping her company is her notebook, where she pours her worries and observations and experiments with her secret identity: ARTIST. With the confidence the book brings her, she starts to make friends and shake up her family's expectations. But she is ready to become the person she draws in her notebook?

Laura Lee Gulledge's stunning art digs deep into the soul and exposes all the ups, downs, and sideways feelings of being a young adult on the edge of the rest of your life.

Cover Review:

The cover, combined with that interesting title, is what originally drew me to this book. I liked the mirrored effect and color scheme, so I picked it up. It's a lot harder to have a graphic novel that's as interesting on the inside as the cover is, but this one is.


This graphic novel isn't very long, but it's engaging the whole way through. It follows Paige as she learns to open up and come out of her shell, growing as a person and an artist. Personally, I connect with her in almost every panel. We're alike in a lot of ways, and while I may not totally understand her journey, I understand her feelings.


The main character, whose head we're in the hole time, is Paige, a high schooler struggling to fit in after a move. In can be hard to convey emotion through graphic novels, but in this one, Paige expresses herself through her art, making everything she thinks easily understood.


Since this is a graphic novel, let's take a second to examine the art. I really like the style and structure of this one. The real world bits are illustrated in a more comic book style, while Paige's art journal is more sketchy, easily helping the reader distinguish between the two. And even though it's in black and white, it feels like color.


5 stars

Have you read this graphic novel? What's one book where you deeply connected with the main character? Tell me in the comments.

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