July 2021 Recap

•We had a fun 4th of July having some friends over for lunch and then going to one of our church's members for fireworks in the evening. I did some face painting on the kids and it was a fun time.
•My work has dropped masks, but only if you show proof of vaccination. I'm trying to see if I can get an exception because I have no plans on getting the vaccine. I am so done with wearing masks.
•My sister and I got to see In the Heights in theaters before it finished its run. It was a beautiful film and we had a great time.
•Went to the National Gallery of Art for the first time in a long time. It was so nice to see all the familiar galleries and paintings.
•I've been dealing with a lot of stress and anxiety this month, which I'm trying to get under control. Part of it due to the aforementioned job and mask thing, and I'm not sure where the rest is coming from. All I can do is keep fighting, one day at a time.

•The Candymakers- Wendy Mass (3 1/2 stars)
•My Last Summer with Cass- Mark Crilley (4 stars)
•The Hand on the Wall- Maureen Johnson (3 stars)
•A Little Help from My Friends- Jody Houser (4 stars)
•Deep Work- Cal Newport (3 stars)
•The Hero's Guide to Saving Your Kingdom- Christopher Healy (5 stars)
•A Study in Charlotte- Brittany Cavallaro (4 stars)
•Doll Bones- Holly Black (3 stars)
•Tristan Strong Punches a Hole in the Sky- Kwame Mbalia (3 1/2 stars)
•The Other Side of Perfect- Mariko Turk (4 stars)

•In the Heights (so beautiful, and the cinematography was awesome)
•Casino Royale (still enjoyable the second time)
•Avengers: Age of Ultron
•Ninjago: Season 10 (good, but a little short)

•I went ahead and started on my beta reader feedback for New Magic. There are a few bigger problems, but nothing too bad. Some of it I knew already. So now I'm working through their notes and feedback and apply those edits where needed.

•I wanted to say that I will be taking a blogging break for the month of August. I might still do a few posts, but I need a little break and time to figure some stuff out. I hope to be back recharged and ready to go in September.

I made a few last coasters in July, but I didn't take pictures of them. I've also been working on my gouache painting, but nothing I'm ready to share yet.
However, I did have fun making this colored pencil drawing of a Mexican sunflower. I haven't done something like this in a while, and it was lots of fun.

•I'm going away to Poiema next week, which I'm very exciting about. Currently working on all the prep for that. Outer Banks, here I come!
•I'm going to Awesome Con in DC. I'm trying to work on my cosplay, which I'm a little nervous about, but excited to do. I hope it comes out okay.
•I hope to finish the Count of Monte Cristo, which I took a little break from this month.
•It's also my birthday at the end of August, so I'm excited for that. I don't know if I'll do anything, but I'm sure I'll have a good day.

How did your July go? Did you get to do anything fun? Tell me in the comments.
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