My Favorite Bookstagram Props

Is this any surprise? I love them because you can throw them in with any photo and it makes it look good. You can match it to the book cover or contrast it. You can leave them on the stems or take them off and scatter them around.
Old Coins
Another highly versatile prop. You can scatter them in your pictures and it looks interesting.
Fairy lights
They can be harder to photograph, but they look so cool in photos. I got mine from Marshalls for like $5. They look good both wound in a circle or through the background. You can also wrap books in them for a cool effect.

I got my first one of these a year or so ago and I am so happy I did. You can put it in any photo and it looks fabulous. (Mine are $20 on Amazon and made of metal. Excellent quality for the price.) My favorite ways to use it are to put it on a corner of book or put it in the middle of a book circle.
Like coins, you can easily throw these in the background of your photo for extra interest. I suggest vintage ones, because they look cooler, but modern cards might look better depending on your photo style.
Not only do they look nice in photos, they can help hold up books that want to fall over. (Because sometimes they just refuse to stay.) You can get all kinds- tall, short, wide, small- and in all sorts of colors.
Mardi Gras beads
I know it may seem a strange prop, but I've found they look great draped over books or put in the background. They come in all sorts of colors to match any kind of look.

What are your favorite photo props? Have you tried any of these? Tell me in the comments.
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