Where to Find Cheap Bookstagram Props

Where to Find Cheap Bookstagram Props

Props are one of the fun parts of bookstagram. They're how you can really show your personality and are fun ways to show what a book's about. But where can you find those props? That's what we're going to talk about today. In addition, all these ideas will be hopefully under the $5 mark.

Dollar Tree

•Flowers. I've gotten a lot of my flowers here over the years. They have a wide variety that changes with the seasons, so you can find almost any kind you want. You do have to be careful, as some of them can be poorly made, but that's the Dollar Tree for you.

•Bead necklaces. I find these look super good in photos, just thrown in. You can get a big pack for only $1.

•Christmas props. The year before last I was able to find all sorts of little presents, bows, and ornaments here for my Christmas photos. I even found a garland (which is falling apart now).

•Small trinkets. The cool thing about the Dollar Tree is they have a bunch of things. If you look around, you're sure to find some small party favors you can use for props.


•Flowers. Walmart also sells flower bunches for as low as 97 cents (although they do have pricier options) and I love them. They have so many cute varieties that are decently well made. Highly recommend checking them out.

•Holiday props. Walmart also has good prices on small decor items, that you can use for your photos.

•Fabric. Perfect for backgrounds, Walmart has a section with cloth squares that aren't more than a few dollars.

Goodwill/Thrift stores

•Old props. Goodwill has so many cool old things. If you check their knick-knack aisles, you can find everything from tea cups to vases. I have several antique pieces I've picked up and they look so cool.

•More books 😉. We all know you need more, right? But if you want books just for background pieces, or for crafts, then you can get them quite cheap here. And you might just find some keepers too.

Other Stores

Michaels- Dollar spot finds (like beads or gems), clearance items, shells, sea glass

Target- Dollar spot finds (they always have cool things in there for $5 or less)

5 Below- Trendier decor props

Marshalls- Fairy lights. They have the best price I've seen, and can come in a variety of colors. Harder to find though.

Souvenir shops- Variety of small props. The Outer Banks ones are where I've gotten my shells and sea glass for cheap. (If you go down, check out Benjamin Franklin's.)

What are your favorite photo props? Do you have any suggestions where to get them? Tell me in the comments.

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  1. The dollar store is so good for stuff like this. I always find such cute little things.

    1. I know. I love the fun finds I get there. :)

  2. I never would've thought about using beads, but they look fabulous in that picture!

    1. I know. They're one of the more unexpected items I tried using in a picture, and it actually worked.


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