The folklore Book Tag

The folklore Book Tag

Have I made my love for Taylor Swift known lately? This past year we got not only one, but two new albums full of amazing music from her. I am in love with both folklore and evermore and find them really calming to listen to. When I found there was a folklore book tag, I knew I had to do it. And, next week I'll be doing an evermore one to go with it!

(Random aside, but does anyone else ever try to do a tag and instantly forget anything they could use for answers? Like, as soon as I do a book tag I'm like, "I've never read a book before".)

The Rules

• Link to the original creator: Ilsa @ A Whisper Of Ink
• Tag at least 3 people. 
• Declare the rules and list of prompts in your post
• Thank whoever tagged you and link to their post (nobody tagged me, so thanks me)

The Questions

the 1 // a book with an ending that left you speechless

The Mark of Athena. I was reading these as they came out and when I read that cliffhanger, I was shook. I couldn't believe I had to wait a whole year to see what happened next.

cardigan // a book that makes you feel happy and sad all at once

Return of the King. It's got so much good stuff in it, but at the same time, it's so bittersweet because you know things can never be the same.

the last great american dynasty // a book with a fascinating and well-told story

Six of Crows. It's so twisty and turny, and yet you manage to keep up with everything. Masterfully done.

exile // a book you wish you hadn’t read

The Kill Order. Mostly because it focused on young Teresa, and I hate Teresa. It also was very gory and depressing, and didn't add anything to the series.

my tears ricochet // a book that made you cry uncontrollably

A Monster Calls. I always say this book, but very few books have given me this emotional of a reaction. I read the last sentence and burst out crying.

mirrorball // a book that feels like it was written just for you

Little Women. I know it was about the author's own experiences, but I have always seen myself in Jo, and the whole story speaks deeply to me. As I've grown, the girls have grown with me.

seven // a childhood book that makes you feel nostalgic

The Bobbsey Twins. They remind me of my childhood and all the books I loved back then. Most involving a lot of kids and mysteries.

august // a book that reminds you of summer

10 Things I Hate About Pinky. It has such great summer vibes, and I read it while at the beach, so it makes me think of vacation and fun times.

this is me trying // a book that deals with loneliness & sadness

Guts. It's a graphic novel talking about the author's own experiences with anxiety. I love this book.

Illicit affairs // a book that gave you a book hangover

The Knife of Never Letting Go. The way the bad guys tried to win through corrupting the last boy in the town, not by just straight out killing him, left me thinking for a long time.

invisible string // a book that came into your life at the exact right time

Mere Christianity. More specifically when I reread it last. It just had a lot of help for my current period of life.

mad woman // a book with a female character you adore

Who agrees the original covers were better?

You're making me pick one! Heartless. Today I'm going to go with Cress from Cress. She's such a sweety and I want to protect her from everything.

epiphany // a book that was haunting

I Was Anastasia. Told with two different timelines, it looks at the stories of Anastasia and Anya, leaving you guessing the whole time if she really is the lost princess.

betty // a book couple that fills you with yearning

(Somehow I missed the word couple in this sentence when I drafted the post.) Can I say Percy and Annabeth again? I love how lowkey, but full of love, their relationship is.

peace // a book character you’d die for because you love them so much!

Hiccup, Camicazi, and Fishlegs (because they are a unit). They go through a lot and wish I could protect them from all that.

hoax // a book that you thought you were going to love but didn’t

The Betrothed. I loved Kiera Cass's The Selection and Siren, so I thought I would love this one too. But it just didn't work for me.

Do you listen to Taylor Swift? What's a book came into your life at the right moment? Tell me in the comments.

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  1. I love Taylor Swift! You picked so many good books here. Percy and Annabeth are a great couple, and I love Cress (the original covers were the best). I love Little Women, and I also see a lot of myself in Jo.
    The Bobbsey Twins books are so much fun. I read them all the time when I was younger.
    I'd been curious about reading The Betrothed. What was it you didn't like about it?

    1. It was a fun tag to do. Consider yourself tagged if you'd like to do it!
      About The Betrothed. It felt very bland, generic, and almost childish in comparison with the Selection. Maybe I just haven't read the Selection in a while. Here's my full review if you'd like to read it-

  2. Such a fun tag!
    Six of Crows is soo good! And Little Women, love that one.

    1. It was very fun. I love Little Women too <3


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