Star Wars Book Series Tag

I wanted to make a new tag, and there's already a Star Wars tag out there (which I may do some time), but I wanted to make my own. So today we've got the Star Wars Book Series tag. Instead of basing it around characters, I'm basing it around the different movies. There will be twelve questions and feel free to steal if it looks fun! Let's get started!

The Rules

1. Link back to the creator (me!) and include the graphic.

2. Answer the questions and include pictures if you want.

3. Tag three new people.

4. And feel free to disregard any of the above rules. Have fun!

The Questions

Episode I: The Phantom Menace- A book with a great fight scene

The Burning Bridge, the second book in the Ranger's Apprentice series, ends with a great battle between Horace, a student knight, and Morgoroth, a powerful warlord. It's epic and you'll have to read it to see who wins.

Episode II: Attack of the Clones- A book you like some people don't

I'm still a pretty big Eragon fan, although I know a lot of people aren't. Sure, they're not the best books, but they're special to me and that's what matters, right?

The Clone Wars- A spin-off almost better than the original

The Fowl Twins. Artemis Fowl is classic and I love it, but I'm also in love with the new series about his younger twin brothers. I had trepidation at first, but the first book was great.

Episode III: Revenge of the Sith- A book where a character turns bad

Heartless by Marissa Meyer. It's all about the downfall of the Queen of Hearts. I didn't like it a lot for that reason, but it's well done.

Solo- A book/series about a lovable rebel

Since Carswell Thorne doesn't have his own book yet, I think I'll go with Thomas and the Maze Runner. Thomas has always been my favorite character from the series.

Rogue One- A book with a sad ending

Allegiant. I'm still angry over that ending. I'm honestly not a big fan of dystopian book endings, because most of the time they're sad, and I hate sad endings. Mockingjay came in close second, but I hate Allegiant's ending more.

Episode IV: A New Hope- A classic adventure story

We'll go with a classic here and say The Hobbit. It's got all the elements of a great adventure story, just like A New Hope. You can't not love following Bilbo on his adventures, like you do with Luke.

Episode V: Empire Strikes Back- A book/series with an epic love story

Redwall. Over all the books there are lots of epic love stories. You never knew you could be emotionally invested in the love lives of animals until you read these books. I personally still mourn the lost love of Martin and Rose.

Episode VI: Return of the Jedi- An epic finale

Ooh, there are so many great finales out there. I could make a list just of them. But since I should pick one, I chose The Last Olympian. Like Return of the Jedi, it's mostly battle, but it works so well you're invested the whole time and the stakes keep going up. And a villain that sacrifices himself in the end? And a personal battle between those two? (Did Rick Riordan copy this movie?)

Episode VII: The Force Awakens- A second part to a finished series

Almost any Scholastic series. I mean, how about The Heir. I personally liked these extra books about America's daughter, but many series when they try for a second part fail. Another good one with a second part is Wings of Fire.

Episode VIII: The Last Jedi- A book that took a different path

Catwoman: Soulstealer. All the other books in the DC Icons series are about the big three- Batman, Wonder Woman, and Superman. So it was interesting to read this one about a villain. It was one of my favorites too.

Episode IX: Rise of the Skywalker- A book you have questions about

Ink. I have so many questions about the society in this book. How did it form and why? How do you build a religion around tattoos? The Testing was a close second, but I don't remember much of that book, because it was so cliche and boring.


I tag. . .


Which is your favorite Star Wars movie? (Mine is Empire Strikes Back.) What are some of your answers to these questions? Tell me in the comments.

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  1. This is an awesome tag! I might try to do it sometime! The Empire Strikes Back is a great one, I just watched it the other day.

    1. Please do! Empire is my favorite movie because it kind of encompasses what Star Wars is to me.

  2. /THIS IS SUCH A COOL TAG/ thank you so much for tagging me!!! :D I LOVE all the bookishness and STAR WARS. XD My favorite SW movie is Rogue One, but I also LOVE all the tv series too, and The Return of the Jedi. :DD

    1. I hope you enjoy it! Rogue One is good, and so is Return of the Jedi. :)

  3. A very neat tag!


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