Writing During Hard Times

Writing During Hard Times

Things aren't easy right now. They're getting better every day, but we still have a long ways to go until things feel "normal" again. The issue with any difficult season of life, whether that's a global pandemic or just a hard time, is that it makes it difficult to be creative. How can we be when our minds are filled with worry, our imaginations devoted to imagining various outcomes? Here are a few things I hope will help you whenever you're facing bad things and feeling unable to write.

Remember. . .

. . .the world still needs your story. Other people may or may not be going through what you are, but we all need stories in this life. Yours is just as important as any of the others out there. People don't know it yet, but they're waiting to read your book and feel inspired and encouraged by it.

. . .it's an escape for you too. When we want to get away from our problems, we turn to stories to give us a break. When you're writing a story, the same goes for you. Spending time with your characters or world can be refreshing to your spirit.

. . .writing might make you feel better. Many times in the last month I sat down, not wanting to write those words. But I did it anyway and often I felt better afterwords. Distracting myself was enough to help me take a step back from my problems.

. . .not to wait for your muse. The muse is a fickle creature. The important thing is making a habit out of it. I try to write at the same time every day so my inspiration knows to be there too. You need to sit down and get those words out, even if it's not a lot or not very good.

. . .no one says you have to write your novel. You could write a blog post, or journal about your feelings. Even writing a card to someone can help fuel your creative juices. I find that writing about my feelings often helps me get unstuck and bring me to realizations I didn't have before.

. . .a few bad words are still progress. Write bad. Write ugly. Write only a hundred words, or only fifty. But those are all still words you didn't have yesterday. They can always be edited to be pretty.

. . .show up for yourself. Sit down and write not for the fame or glory. Do it for yourself. If you're really dedicated to your story, then it wants to be told. And you need to write it for yourself if no one else.

. . .breaks are okay too. Sometimes your brain needs a break from writing to recharge, so listen to it and do that. Go watch a good movie. Read a book. Take a walk. It's okay to take time off when you need it.

. . .this too shall pass. I know it seems like the hard seasons will go on forever. I never wanted to live through a major historical event either. But in the past, we've always made it through. One day we'll look back and realize it's over.

How do you keep writing during the hard times? Do you have any tips for this list? Tell me in the comments.

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  1. Very. Important. Post! Even in hard times, the little things that matter to us are still important, and that's what keeps life moving forward.

    1. Yes! We should always do what's important to us.

  2. Ack, all of these were so good. <33 Thank you so much for the reminders!!!

  3. “I didn’t want to live through a major historical event either.” So much truth. It’s like yeah great we made history in a ton of bad things. Can we be done now? Writing has been a big escape for me and if I make myself sit down and do it I do feel better as well.

    1. Exactly. I feel like in my life time I've lived through a lot of big historical things. But that doesn't mean we should stop writing because things are bad.

  4. I like all these! Great ideas! ;)



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