December 2021 Recap

December 2021 Recap

This is the last day of 2021! What has happened to this year? It was August and now it is over. I'll do a full year recap post soon, but for now, let's just look at what my December held.

•We had a Christmas tea at our church for the ladies. My mom decorated a table and it was pretty fun. I wore my tea cup shirt, which seemed appropriate for the occasion.

•Had a nice Christmas. We went over to a friend's house for lunch on Christmas Eve, and then to the Christmas Eve service, where I was one of the readers for the night. It was terrifying, but I think I did okay. On Christmas, we did all the normal things. Opened presents, played games, had a nice dinner. It was just very nice and relaxing.

•My dad and I got to go to the Outer Banks for a couple days. We left after I got off work at 9 and didn't get in until after 2, only to have to get up at 7 the next morning for an event, but it was still fun. I drove around a little by myself and dragged him to see some Christmas lights with me. I always treasure opportunities like this.

The best cinnamon roll I've ever eaten

•In honor of the 20th anniversary of the Fellowship of the Ring's release, my family hosted a viewing party at our church. We had a big screen, speakers, and everything. It was super fun, even if it was the theatrical release, not the extended edition, and missing some of my favorite scenes.

•Other than that, it was a lot of work and stress. I felt kind of depressed because I didn't get to do a lot of Christmas things this year. But I'm trying to not focus on what I didn't do and treasure what I did. Ever year is different, no matter how much we might want them to go the same.

How to Read a Suit- Lydia Edwards (4 stars)

The Missing of Clairdelune- Christelle Dabos (4 stars)

The Legend of Holly Claus- Brittany Ryan (5 stars)

Spider-Gwen: Amazing Powers- Jason Latour (4 stars)

Enchantee- Gita Trelease (3 stars)

Hawkeye: Private Eye- Kelly Thompson (5 stars)

Hawkeye: Freefall- Matthew Rosenberg (4 stars)

Teen Titans: Beast Boy- Kami Garcia (3 1/2 stars)

Hawkeye, Vol. 2: Little Hits- Matt Fraction (4 stars)

A Boy Called Christmas- Matt Haig (4 stars)

Die Another Day (okay, nothing super special in the James Bond department)

The Princess Switch 3 (a lot better than I expected)

Home Alone (a classic)

Home Alone 2 (still good, if a little more over the top)

Encanto (really good, loved the music. Surface Pressure is living rent free in my brain)

Ron's Gone Wrong (nothing super special, but I enjoyed it)

Die Hard (really good. Why did no one tell me it was so good?)

Um, well, I got in about a week of editing before I decided it just had to go on the back burner this month. It wasn't an easy decision, but I made the choice to focus on getting Christmas stuff done instead. I had too much other stuff and sadly, writing had to go for this month. I hope to resume more in January. (It was especially sad because I was finally feeling this project again. Arggg.)

As for my art, I've been working mostly on a Christmas cross stitch this month, which I'm still not done. I'm hoping to be done by Epiphany. That's been taking up a lot of my time, but I've really enjoyed revisiting cross stitch, which I haven't done for years. I was also working on some art for Christmas gifts, which I don't have pictures of because they were gifts.

I also designed a new character this month called Goth Elf, who was created simply by a comment a customer said to me. I haven't finished her full picture yet, but here's the original concept sketch.

•I hope to get back into some more normal rhythms now that the holidays are over. Writing, exercise, etc. It'll be nice to be back to some normal routines.

•I'm making some changes in my life I'm terrified about, but feel like it's the right choice. I'll tell you more soon, but for now, just send prayers for wisdom.

•I have some more art ideas I'm looking forward to doing, so it would be nice to get some more of those done in January.

How was your December? Did you have a good Christmas? Tell me in the comments!

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