5 Reasons to Read The Legend of Holly Claus

I will never not take an opportunity to talk about The Legend of Holly Claus. It's one of my favorite books and it's so underrated. I would love for more people to know about it. (I would also like it to be made into movie adaptation, although whether I think it should be animated or live-action and which studio should make it I'm still undecided about.) But to try to increase its readership, here are five reasons you should consider reading it this Christmas season.

1: The beautiful illustrations

Maybe the pictures shouldn't be the top reason for reading a book, but as a child, I found an abridged, full color illustration version of the book at the library. That was my introduction to it, and those pictures stick with me to this day. They're so beautiful and sparkly and just perfect.

2: Holly Claus

Holly is a great character. She's the princess of the North Pole, but decides to leave so she can earn her place among the citizens. She's sweet and loving, but also determined and strong. She goes to a strange new city to find her way, even though she has to stay cold or she could die.

3: Animal sidekicks

Much a like a Disney princess, Holly has several animal sidekicks, all of which I love. The sassiest wolf you've ever met, a penguin, a fox, an owl, and a reindeer. They all have their own roles to play and work well for comic relief.

4: Transportive

This is one of those books that sweeps you away while you read. From the North Pole to Holly's childhood bedroom to New York in winter to the toy store, each location is vibrant and full of life. I wish I could be teleported inside this book to experience it all for myself.

5: Great story

It's not only beautiful, it's a well written story. If you love fairytales, you'll like this book. It has strong Sleeping Beauty vibes with the cursing of the child at birth and discovery of true love during the book. As I get older, I find that I relate with different parts than I did as a child, but I still love it.

What's an underrated book you want people to read? Have you read this book? Tell me in the comments.

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