7 Books I Loved as a Kid

7 Books I Loved as a Kid

I have been an avid reader from a young age. I read a lot of classics early on, as well as any other books on our shelves I could get my hands on. So today I'm listing seven of my favorites (and I probably have enough for a part two, if you're interested). 

1. Paddington Bear

I was a huge Paddington fan, and even just thinking about the books makes me want to read them again. They're just such fun, charming books. Paddington is adorable and the sweetest creature alive. They also gave me a great desire for a blue duffle coat (even though I didn't know what a duffle coat was at the time).

2. Ramona Quimby, Age 8

Would it surprise you that I'm a Ramona fan too? I think I read the books all out of order, but thankfully it didn't confuse me too much. From there I moved on to pretty much all the rest of Beverly Cleary's work. Ramona is just such a hilarious character.

3. Maddie and the Secret Tunnel

The first book in a forty book series about an orphan girl who finds and solves all sorts of mysteries in the early 1900s. It's such a clean, wholesome series (even if it goes on forever). I love Maddie because she's a wonderful girl who is strong and smart without ever being one of those modern "strong female characters". Oh, and she had a cat.

4. The Happy Hollisters

I enjoyed sibling mystery stories, and this one was no exception. It's about five siblings who move into a mysterious new house and have to solve a series of mysteries. It's been years since I read it, and I'm not even sure we still have it, but I enjoyed it at the time.

5. The Cul-de-sac Kids

One of the faith based series I read over and over. This one focused on a group of kids that lived on a cul-de-sac (thus the name), and learned lessons along the way. It probably wasn't stellar writing, but I thought they were fun, and they had cute pictures.

6. The Borrowers

I read these over and over. I adore stories about tiny people. I don't know why. The Borrowers is such a cute concept and they have wonderful adventures. I think the first book is my favorite, but they're all different and unique.

7. The Littles

Oh look, another book about little people. This one was a lot weirder, since the whole concept of the story was that they're a bunch of little people with tails that serve no practical purpose who try to avoid detection, but it was still fun to read.

What books did you read as a kid? Do you like stories about tiny people? Tell me in the comments.

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  1. Great list! I loved the Ramona Quimby books. I read a lot of the American Girl books as a kid. I also really liked the Doll People series, the Harry Potter series, the Percy Jackson series, and the Anne of Green Gables series (the last three series are still some of my favorites).

    1. I've read all of those (except Harry Potter) and loved them as well <3

  2. Hey, someone else who knows The Littles! I loved those books. I read the Borrowers, too, but I wasn't as into them and didn't make if past the third book. These others that you listed look really cute! Now I want to try them. I would love to see a part two.

    1. I didn't know anyone else read the Littles! I will have to make a part two, because there were a lot of books that didn't make it onto this list. :)


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