Writing and Praying

Writing and Praying

Something I had not thought about much until recently was praying about my writing. Why? We'll get to that more in a minute.

I'm part of a great writer's group on Instagram, full of many other faithful ladies of God, passionate about writing. They often ask for or talk about praying over their writing. Melody @Down the Rabbit Hole also talks about prayer, faith, and writing on her blog. I came to the realization that praying about my writing was not really something I did.

I could claim it's because it hadn't come to mind. (Which would be partially true.) I could claim it's because I didn't feel like it needed praying over (which isn't true). But I think the true reason is because I was afraid.

One of my particular struggles is trusting God. I'm a very independent person and I don't like relying on others.

But God calls us to trust Him with every part of our lives. Every desire, ambition, and hope is given to us by Him, and we need to honor Him by giving them back. Everything we do is glorifying to Him.

I don't want to pray over my writing because I don't want to give it to Him. Because I'm afraid He'll take it away and lead me somewhere else. So I hold jealously to it, even as He calls me to let go.

Those thoughts are not true. They're thoughts the devil wants me to think, to take me away from my Savior. Which is exactly why I need to ignore them and do just what I don't want to do.

Give up.


Trust that his plan, his agenda is better than mine. I know that if I submit to him, he will guide me in better paths than I could dream. He will bring me success if that his plan.

Deep down, I know he gave me this desire to write for a reason. I want to write to glorify him, to bring light and hope into this dark world.

So I'm trying to get better about praying over my writing and my project. Listening to God's will for my writing rather than my own.

It isn't easy for me to do. But I know it's what I need to do. And one day it will hopefully lead to hearing "well done, good and faithful servant".

Do you pray over your writing? What's an area of faith you struggle in? Tell me in the comments.

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  1. I sometimes forget to, but I've found it really helps me when I do pray before or while writing.

  2. This is such a fantastic post! I need to remember to do this more. I'm also an independent person, so I struggle with this, but it really does help.

    1. Thanks! Giving up control is one of the hardest things to do.


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