Feminism is Ruining Our Fiction

Feminism is Ruining Our Fiction

No more damsels in distress. No knights slaying the dragon and saving the day. Nowadays, the princesses are putting on pants and belittling men so they can beat the dragon. The men are left with nothing to do but cheerlead, and if they're lucky, being allowed to stand side by side with the princess.

And don't even think about winning her heart. She isn't a prize to be won. The princesses will only chose to accept a suitor if she decides he's worthy by acknowledging she is a strong and powerful woman that doesn't need no man. She'll be the one in charge of this relationship. Don't even think about making any major decisions or getting in the way of her career goals to rule the kingdom as a strong, independent woman.

Feminism has taken our fiction by storm. It's crept in through the cracks and now is a blossoming, pretending to be a flower when it is nothing but a weed in need of pulling. It is nothing but a sham of what real womanhood is like.

Feminism tells us that if we go out and seize what we want, not letting anything stand in our way, we'll be happy. It says that prioritizing career over family is good. That love is only good as long as it's not inconvenient. That men are unnecessary and we'd be fine without them. Children are a burden. Anyone who says differently should be silenced.

But all of these are lies. Yes, God has given women power. But it's not the power the world thinks we have.

Women have been blessed with being able to bear and raise children. We help form the next generation, teaching them what is good and bad and how to function. Motherhood is the ultimate form of womanhood.

But that doesn't elevate us above men. They've been given a role as well, as the strong ones, the protectors. The ones to provide for their family, to make the hard choices, and guide their family in the right way. Men and women were designed to work together, not strive against one another.

I'll admit, I love strong female characters. I write them myself. But I'm always careful about how I portray their strength. They aren't strong like men. They are strong the way they have been created to be.

Look at the heroines of the Bible. Esther, Ruth, Sarah, Mary. God used these women to save people or change lives, but not through going out and fighting battles with swords. By being wives and mothers. There have been those like Jael, who was called to kill the evil king with a tent peg, and we need to be ready for things like that, but it's not as common.

So many books and movies these days have been ruined by shoving feminism in, even when it doesn't match the rest of the story. Enola Holmes, Wonder Woman, Cinderella is Dead, the list goes on and on. It doesn't matter the time period or story, every woman character anymore seems to be a feminist.

When our female characters have to be aggressive and pushy to claim the power that men have, it takes away from their womanhood. When the princess shoves the prince aside to slay the dragon, does that inspire you? Or does it make you cringe inside, because is that what we've really come to?

Let the princes slay the dragons. That doesn't mean the princess can't help. But I'm so sick of feminism creeping into everything I love, lying to me and millions of others. They're twisting everything and corrupting so many books and movies. You can't have any book or movie anymore without a feminist message of female self-empowerment creeping through.

Yes, women can fight. My girl characters fight too. I'm not saying they can't. But I remember they have different weaknesses and different strengths. What makes them truly strong is not what they do on the battlefield, but how they treat others around them.

Wield the true sword of Scripture and slay the dragon of Feminism, my friends. Write stories that show what truly strong women are, and all the traits and skills that the world wants to suppress. Fight back against the lies through your actions.

What are your thoughts on this topic? Who's your favorite Biblical heroine? Tell me in the comments.

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  1. I actually thought Wonder Woman (the first one, at least) did a good job of balancing Diana's Amazon-ness with femininity. She was a fighter, but she was a fighter for the people she loved and she was still fiercely *compassionate*. She wasn't just busting heads to bust heads; she did it because she was the one with the ability to do it (which made sense in that world) and she wanted to *take care of* people.

    But I wholeheartedly agree with the core point of the article! We need more female characters who show femininity as a good thing, as a *strong* thing. Because it absolutely is. We need to stop teaching little girls that they have to be just like boys to be good women. That's totally backwards, and we've got to stop entertaining the idea in our media.

    1. I think they did a good job too, there's just a few moments that annoyed me. I'm glad you liked the article and thanks for sharing your thoughts!


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