September 2021 Recap

September 2021 Recap

We are finally getting a bit of cooler weather here in Maryland, so I am pretending it's even cooler by wearing hoodies, even though it gets to be about 70-80 degrees by midday. Maybe fall will get the memo soon. Right now, nothing else is coming to mind, so let's just get on with the recap.

• My parents celebrated their 25th anniversary. We didn't do much, but they went out to dinner on the day of, and we had a family dinner later in the week. I am extremely blessed by them.

• My sister and I went to a local art festival in Annapolis. It rained a little, but that didn't stop us. It was fun to wander the booths and check out all the wares. I got an Alice in Wonderland themed charm bracelet which is super cute. Afterwards, we got ice cream.

• Honestly, I'm not sure what else happened this month. I worked, edited, and all those normal things. I still don't feel like I accomplished a lot, but I probably needed to have a more quiet month.

Dune- Frank Herbert (3 stars)

The Old Man and the Sea- Ernest Hemingway (3 stars)

Daughter of the Pirate King- Tricia Levenseller (4 stars)

Hello, Cruel Heart- Maureen Johnson (3 stars)

Mr. Penumbra's 24-Hour Bookstore- Robin Sloan (4 stars)

Saint- Ted Dekker (4 stars)

A World Below- Wesley King (4 stars)

Wonder Woman 1984 (it had issues, but I enjoyed it)

Rapunzel's Tangled Adventures, season 1 (if you aren't watching this show, you're missing out)

Luca (pretty cute)

Spider-Man Homecoming (still amazing)

I continued editing on New Magic. My goal was to finish this month, but I didn't accomplish that. I didn't have as much time or focus as I would have liked. But I did make good progress and I should finish it in the next couple of weeks.

I also came up with an idea for a short story that I haven't been able to write yet, due to the aforementioned editing. It's a Biblical inspired one, which I've never tried before, but am eager to do so.

I'm still working on my big Winx drawing, but on the side I made this little gouache painting as a practice. It's of a candy cane zinnia, which looks like someone splattered paint on it. I think it's pretty cute.

•I will finish beta edits on New Magic and hopefully write that short story too. The first is my big goal.

•I want to complete at least 25 days of Inktober, with my ideal goal being all 31. Let's do this.

•I've got to start Christmas shopping and preparing my own list for others. Especially with the way shipping is right now.

•And of course there's Halloween to look forward to. I have a lot of semi-spooky books and movies to consume.

How was your September? Was it busy or calm? Tell me in the comments!

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