Liking Stories With Flaws

We all have at least one. That book or movie we almost don't want to mention because we know people will look at us funny. Yes, it might be bad, it might have flaws, it might be the worst thing in the history of cinema, but for some reason, you love it to death. You watch or read it over and over, because you enjoy it that much.

That's what I want to talk about today. I want to take a look at why we like things with such obvious flaws, and why that's not necessarily a bad thing.

Flaws ≠ Bad

There is no such thing as a perfect book or movie (except the Bible, of course). As Honest Trailers has made clear, you can find a problem with even the best plots, characters, or world if you look hard enough. I mean, I'll never admit things like Narnia or Lord of the Rings are anything less than perfect, but I know there are plenty of people who disagree.

A flaw is simply an imperfection, or a fault in something. A plot hole. A character arc that doesn't fully line up. Sometimes even a single line of dialog that upsets the balance of the story. (I'm looking at you, Antman.)

The difference between something flawed and something bad is small, and can differ from person to person. I didn't like the Red Queen series. I thought it was a knock off of a lot of popular books with a lot of unlikable characters. But other people love that series and overlook all of that. I love Eragon to death, but plenty of people think it's badly written and childish.

Sometimes those very flaws are what make us like a story. Sure, Star Trek is so over the top sometimes. The music especially can get a little too excited. But the over-reaction is kind of what makes it iconic. You know what to expect when you watch it.

What is Bad, Then?

If flaws don't make things bad, then what does? Again, it's sort of a personal thing, but there are some things that we can all agree on. Things like massive plot holes that could have been avoided with some simple re-writes, lack of editing, or distinctly unlikable main characters (especially when we're supposed to like them).

There are also morals to consider. You can have an amazing piece of work, but if it has bad themes or ideas used, then it's not a good story. For example, many modern pieces of fiction have been ruined by the invasion of feminism.

Or what about when they encourage bad things? Like homosexuality, abortion, or pre-martial sex? There's nothing more disappointing than realizing something has an agenda that you don't agree with at all. These are all things that can actually make something bad.

Liking Stories with Flaws is Okay

So why do we feel embarrassed by enjoying movies or books with problems or flaws? I think it's because we have a cultural obsession with perfection. We don't want to accept anything less, even if it's still a good story.

The thing is, if you like a book or movie, it means the makers did something right. Sure, the plot might suck, but the main character has an amazing arc. The characters aren't great, but there's that one moment in the climax where it all comes together so beautifully.

One example is the recent Cruella movie. I wrote a whole post about the two big things I wish they had changed in the movie. Does that mean I don't 100% love the movie? Not at all. I can admit it has problems and still love it.

Another one I was thinking of the other day was John Carter. The movie isn't great. The characters aren't super developed and the plot is a bit lacking. But there's this one moment where John Carter is fighting this army of aliens, interspersed with clips of his backstory. The way it's shot and edited hits me in the feelings, and I think that's the reason the movie sticks with me.

One more. Eragon. Like I said, I adore the series. It might be partially because I grew up with the books. But even on a recent re-read, I found I still loved them. Yes, book one needs waaay less travel and book two less training. But those books were one of my big introductions to fantasy. They inspired me to write my own books, and feel like someone as young as myself could be an author.

So if you have something that has problems, but you still love it, then don't be ashamed. Love that flawed piece of fiction with all your heart. I guess it's kind of like being friends with someone. You can see they have flaws, but overlook them because you love them.

Well, I hope you got the point I was trying to make. As normal with these sorts of posts, I just had some various thoughts and wanted to share them.

What are your thoughts on this topic? What's one flawed thing you love? Tell me in the comments!

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