My Favorite Reads of 2021. . . So Far

My Favorite Reads of 2021. . . So Far

It's time once more for me to talk about one of my favorite subjects- books! Now that we're halfway through the year, I'm excited to share what some of my favorite reads from the first half of 2021 were. So let's begin!

1. Never and Forever- Cressida Cowell

Is it any surprise at this point that the final Wizards of Once book is on my yearly favorites list? This series has been on my list every year since it started coming out. The final book the series was no disappointment either. It brought to a close all the themes, character arcs, and plot lines with finesse. I cannot recommend this series enough.

2. Atomic Habits- James Clear

Looking to work on your bad habits or form new good ones in a reasonable way? Try this book. It's got lots of practical, easy ideas that you can implement in your life. I took a lot of notes from this book. If you've read The Power of Habit, this is a great companion to it.

3. A Dress for the Wicked- Autumn Krause

I have a whole book review for this one, but I had to mention it again because I enjoyed it so much. While it wasn't quite a five star read (it was a tad bit predictable), it had all the elements and subject matter I love in a book. It felt like it was written for me.

4. United We Spy- Ally Carter

Another series I wanted to finish this year was the Gallagher Girl series. This is the final book in the series that brought together everything wonderfully. I especially loved the climax, where we truly saw how much Cammie had grown and how great of a spy she was going to make.

5. The Outsiders- S. E. Hinton

I watched the movie version of this first, and wanted to read the book to see how good it was. It was great, and I must say the movie adaptation was excellent. It had me turning pages from beginning to end and was extremely well written.

Have you read any of these books? What are some of your favorite reads from 2021 so far? Tell me in the comments.

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