My Writing Must-Haves

My Writing Must-Haves

We all have those things we need to get our writing done. They might be physical things, like a desk, or more abstract, like a certain song. But here's a list of the things I can't go without for writing.


Scrivener is the best thing that's ever happened to me. The level of organization it allows me, and the ability to have so many "documents" open at once, is so helpful for how I write. Plus, I can color code everything. Color coding is life.


I do write everything on my computer these days, and as I said, I use Scrivener, but there are plenty of times I prefer to write on paper. Writing things down on paper is supposed to help you remember things better, and I think that's pretty accurate. I often use my notebooks for taking notes as I go or writing down my goals or lists.

Mechanical Pencil

I love the fact that mechanical pencils are always sharp and have a nice crisp line at all times. Regular pencils are fine, but they wear down so easily. Plus, mechanical pencils often come with clips so you can attach them to your notebook.


I can't write without music. It can't be done. I'm listening to music while I write this post. I vary about what I listen to. Sometimes classical, sometimes instrumental mixes, sometimes soundtracks. But I always have some sort of music going.


To go with the above, I use noise-cancelling headphones to help me focus while I write. They block out the sounds around me, and the slight weight of them helps bring me into that more zen headspace. If you have a noisy household, check into getting yourself a pair.


I'm really bad at remembering the words I want, or using the same word 300 times in a row. So a thesaurus helps me a lot. I'm currently using WordHippo, which is cool because it has a lot more out of the box ideas and options.


I like having something to drink while writing. I have a 24 ounce Starbucks cup that I try to keep next to me when I'm not drinking something like coffee or occasionally a soda. Having the water right there helps me remain hydrated.


A must have for taking notes and organizing things. Again, color coding is great. You can see at a glance what goes together. Sharpie ones are great for a really bright color, but if you want something a little more muted, try a Zebra Mildliner.

What are your writing must-haves? Do you like any of these? Tell me in the comments!

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