My Poetry

My Poetry

Did you know that April is National Poetry Month? In honor of that, I thought I'd share some of my poetry with you.

As I've mentioned before, I kind of think of my poetry writing as a secret skill I have, because I don't tell people about it a lot. I've been writing poetry forever, or at least it feels that way. It helps express myself in a different way than writing does. I can't quite explain that magical feeling of writing a poem, looking for that perfect meter and rhyme, the right word or phrase to add.

But anyway, here are a few of my favorite poems from over the years.

Shush Says the Wind (one of my better early poems)

Shush says the wind
As it blows through the trees.
Shush says the wind
As it hums to the bees.
Sh. . . sh. . . sh.

Shush says the wind
As it flies through the air.
Shush says the wind
As it blows everywhere.
Sh. . . sh. . . sh.


The good must die,
While the evil live.
Why is this so?
Why is this so?
Evil overcomes
All things good.
Why can't good grow?
Why can't good grow?
And this must be
Til the end of time.
Why not now?
Why not now?
Give me courage, Lord,
To carry on.
Give me strength,
Give me strength!

Sounds of an Orchestra

Violins play with
High, pure notes.
Cellos come in
In deep rich purrings.
A solo of flute, a
Touch of sax. Trumpet
Rings loud, followed by
A soft part.
Rising crescendo, giant finale,
The sounds of an orchestra.


A child's plaything, a beautiful doll;
Quick played with, hurriedly thrown away.
Mangled and bent, broken and battered,
Mutilated, mishandled, used.
The same as babies, beautiful all,
Made in a mother who really doesn't care;
Ripped from the womb by one to whom nothing mattered
But them, a person, senseless and cruel.
A child unable to have a say in her fate,
Given no chance to grow, to become great.
Some even say, "That child is not alive,
It's legal to kill it". So wrong!
Is this where you're going, what you want?
To have blood on your hands, innocent blood?
To stand and say, "I murdered a baby, ready to thrive,"
On that day when God's judgement descends?
Think of this now, think hard,
Those are the results that come from that knife;
A lifetime of sorrow, a mind that's marred.
Decided now, before it's too late.

And finally, this poem, which needs my illustrations to be fully appreciated. (Click on the picture if you can't quite see it.)

These are just a few of the poems I've written over the years, and it was fun showing you. I hope you enjoyed them too.

Let's talk! Have you ever written poetry? Do you like serious or silly stuff? (I like both.) Tell me in the comments.

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  1. I loved all of your poems, especially the abortion one, so poignant!


    1. Thank you. The abortion one is one of my mom's favorites as well.


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