NaNoWriMo Week 3 Update

NaNoWriMo Week 3 Update


Current Word Count: 44,604

Where I'm At: The Dark Night of the Soul *evil laughter*

Favorite Snippet So Far: Octopus Prime and I play rummy while we wait. I feel pretty proud of myself for teaching him, even if it has kind of backfired and I never win unless he lets me. Do you now how condescending it feels when a robot lets you win?

Currently Listening To: The Prince of Egypt soundtrack (it's so good, like the movie)


Writing: Still good. I'm getting to the good part, with lots of drama and reveals and all that good stuff. I'm quite excited to get to the climax.

Life: I've been completely lacking in motivation this week. I don't know why. But at least I've read two books so far this week.

Reminder: Just keep writing, just keep writing, what do you do you write, write, write.

How has your writing going? Have you finished any any books this week? Tell me in the comments.


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